European Commission Directorate-General for International Partnerships (EuropeAid HQ)

Tacis CBC Small Project Facility Support to the Organisation of Information Seminars in the NIS Contract N 2002/030-271

Last update: Dec 3, 2015 Last update: Dec 3, 2015


Locations:Belarus, Hungary, Lithuania, Moldova, Poland, Romania, Ukraine
Start Date:Nov 1, 2002
End Date:Mar 1, 2003
Sectors:Regional Integration
Regional Integration
Categories:Consulting services
Date posted:Dec 5, 2013

Associated funding

Associated experts


 The project has three immediate objectives:

1) Enable more institutions (local and regional authorities) throughout the beneficiary countries to benefit from the Tacis Cross Border Co-operation Small Project Facility.

2) Develop the capacity of the local and regional authorities in the CIS countries to identify, design, present and manage good quality and successful projects such that there is no perceptible regional or national difference in standards.

3) Enhance dialogue and improve cooperation between the CIS beneficiaries and their counterparts in the Phare countries and in Finland.



Sixteen information seminars have been organised in Russia, Belarus, Ukraine, Moldova, Lithuania, Poland, Romania and Hungary.



This resulted in a better understanding of the EC funding instruments by the local and regional potential beneficiaries, the generation and subsequent submission of consistent project proposals in relation with the needs of the beneficiaries, effective partnerships between border regions and better communication among partners. The project improved the quantity and quality of submitted project proposals and increased level of participation of Belarus, Moldova and Ukraine.

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