European Commission Directorate-General for International Partnerships (EuropeAid HQ)

Advancement of treatment of large and complex enterprises in official statistics. Creation of new statistical products by linking data sets: 2021-NO-BR-MNE-MDL

Last update: Aug 11, 2022 Last update: Aug 11, 2022


Start Date:Jan 1, 2022
End Date:Dec 31, 2022
Contract value:EUR 120,174
Sectors:SME & Private Sector, StatisticsSME & Private Sector, Statistics
Date posted:Aug 11, 2022

Associated funding

Associated experts


Programme: Single Market Programme (SMP)-undefined

Topic: SMP-ESS-2021-BR-MNE-MDL-H1-5698

Type of action: SMP European Statistics

Project ID: 101051864


Advancement in LCU implementation and MDL for analysis of COVID-19 policy response: Statistics Norway will continue its efforts to improve the treatment of large and complex enterprises in its balance of payments (BoP) and national accounts (NA). These cases are often multinational and have business models which are difficult to measure according to international BoP and NA standards. As they are also large, they have a significant impact in various statistics, and their multinational activities mean the measurement issues affect several countries' statistics. By linking microdata from different sources (MDL) statistical institutes can produce new statistical products and new insight, extracting more value from data at zero cost to respondents. Statistics Norway will build upon its experience with MDL and add a new data source on COVID-19 relief packages to enterprises, enabling an analysis of the Norwegian government's policy response to the pandemic. Similar initiatives in Denmark and Finland can yield a comparison of policies and effects in the three countries.

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