European Commission Directorate-General for International Partnerships (EuropeAid HQ)

SMP-ESS-2021-BR-MNE-MDL-H1-5698 – Registers, micro-data linking and MNEs business statistics: 2021-PT-BR-MNE-MDL

Last update: Aug 11, 2022 Last update: Aug 11, 2022


Start Date:Jan 1, 2022
End Date:Dec 31, 2022
Contract value:EUR 118,364
Sectors:Information & Communication Technology, SME & Priv ... See moreInformation & Communication Technology, SME & Private Sector, Statistics
Date posted:Aug 11, 2022

Associated funding

Associated experts


Programme: Single Market Programme (SMP)-undefined

Topic: SMP-ESS-2021-BR-MNE-MDL-H1-5698

Type of action: SMP European Statistics

Project ID: 101051796


WP1: European Profiling in implementation of the European profiling programme Statistics Portugal is working in the correct application of the “enterprise” as statistical unit as defined in the Statistical Unit Regulation (No 696/93). The objective is implementing this statistical unit in the scope of Regulation on SBS (No 295/2008). In order to achieve the objectives proposed for this action, Statistics Portugal will select of a set of economically significant multinational enterprise groups, given priority to the groups with impact on the Business Statistics, FATS and National Accounts, considering GVA, Number of legal units, Number of activities carried out and Number of parents involved. WP2: Support for Large Cases Unit activities in the ESS Module2.2: Advancement in LCU implementation The application for this specific work area of the grant is made with the purpose of continuing national LCU activities and to bring a more consistent approach to the MNEs analysis. The decisions that need to be taken to support LCU work, its objectives, methodologies and procedures related with the activities of the national LCU will also be improved, the identification of the different data sources, the identification of the variables to be used for consistency checks, the definition of the tools and databases to be used in this process. WP3 :Capacity building in the field of Micro Data Linking Module 3.2 - New SBS breakdown using national BR and EGR information on Group Status; production and transmission of data Covers the compilation of Structural Business Statistics with an additional breakdown on the participation of enterprises to an enterprise group organisation (domestic or multinational). Being part ofa group is obtained by linking the information fromin national Business Registers and EuroGroups Register, using the available national identifiers. Micro data linking (MDL) provides an opportunity to develop new statistics and indicators.

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