European Commission Directorate-General for International Partnerships (EuropeAid HQ)

TA for Capacity Improvement in the Economic and Social Cohesion ESC Policy Phase II

Last update: Jul 27, 2015 Last update: Jul 27, 2015


Start Date:Jul 12, 2010
End Date:Jan 1, 2013
Sectors:Programme & Resource Management
Programme & Resource Management
Categories:Consulting services
Date posted:Dec 9, 2013

Associated funding

Associated experts


The overall objective of the project of which this contract will be part is to support effective, efficient, transparent and accountable functioning IPA and preparations for the EU Cohesion Policy.

The purposes of this contract are as follows:

To ensure effective guidance and coordination by the Strategic Coordinator (SC) in the implementation of components HI and IV programmes under IPA with a view to waive ex-ante controls and prepare for EU Cohesion Policy.


§  Improved participatory programming and coordination capacity of the Strategic Coordinator

§  Effective functioning of the monitoring and evaluation system under the Components III and IV of IPA.

§  Awareness raised regarding the Strategic Coherence Framework (S'CF) and EU programming opportunities in the area of Economic and Social Cohesion.

Preparation of Turkey for the Community Cohesion Policy.

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