United States Department of Agriculture

Walker Springs Road Reconditioning

Last update: Nov 3, 2022 Last update: Nov 3, 2022


Start Date:Jun 2, 2022
End Date:Unknown
Sectors:Civil Engineering, Roads & Bridges Civil Engineering, Roads & Bridges
Date posted:Nov 3, 2022

Associated funding

Associated experts


Notice ID: 1240LT22Q0044

Contract Award Number: 1240LT22C0025

Description: Walker Springs Road Reconditioning

The intent of this project is to provide surface and drainage maintenance on native surface high clearance forest service roads. This project includes approximately 4 miles of maintenance, 1.7 miles on 556.h and 2.3 miles on 556.n. Work will include the maintenance, reconstruction, and or construction of drainage features to include ditches, waterbars, draindips and culvert inlets and outlets. This work is further defined in the FP-14 under 303 road reconditioning.
Spot graveling locations will be staked in the field by the COR. The contractor should expect to armor surface drainage features as well as provide new surface course sections. All roads will remain open to public traffic during this contract. Temporary traffic control will be required at all times.


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