World Food Programme

Evaluation of the School Feeding Program in Guinea. Eco 770

Last update: Mar 3, 2023 Last update: Mar 3, 2023


Start Date:Apr 18, 2018
End Date:Apr 20, 2020
Sectors:Food Security, Monitoring & Evaluation
Food Security, Monitoring & Evaluation
Categories:Consulting services
Funding Agencies:
Date posted:Mar 3, 2023

Associated funding

Associated experts


Detailed description of the project:

The mid-term evaluation has two complementary and reinforcing objectives: Accountability and Learning. It was conducted by including a sample of 30 schools from the eight selected geographic regions of Guinea-Bissau (see map with location in Annex 1), and secondary data from project reports and mid-term school feeding surveys.
5. The main users of this evaluation are the WFP Country Office (CO) in Guinea-Bissau and its decision-making partners, namely the Ministry of Education of Guinea-Bissau, the WFP Regional Bureau (RB) and the Evaluation Office (OEV) HQ.
A mixed method approach was used in this evaluation. Primary information was collected from stakeholders using inquiry techniques (questionnaires and interviews) and on-site observation. In addition, the team collected secondary data from databases, existing reports, surveys, web resources and other documented sources, and the results of the mid-term school feeding survey.

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