European Commission Directorate-General for International Partnerships (EuropeAid HQ)

Strengtheningof the blood safety system — relaunch of lot 3, lot 4 and lot 6

Last update: Jul 28, 2015 Last update: Jul 28, 2015


Locations:North Macedonia
Start Date:Dec 21, 2013
End Date:Mar 21, 2015
Contract value: EUR 80,000
Sectors:Health, Procurement
Health, Procurement
Date posted:Mar 21, 2014

Associated funding

Associated experts


The purpose of the project is strengthening of the blood safety system through the procurement of new equipment for the National Institute for Transfusion Medicine and through providing safe, optimal and self-sustainable supply with blood and blood components to all health institutions in the country. The subject of the contract is the supply, delivery, installation and putting into operation by the Contractor of IT and Medical equipment, in order to improve and strengthen the blood safety system.

Strengthening of the blood safety system — relaunch of lot No 3 freezers for blood storage −40 °C, lot No 4freezers for blood storage −80 °C, lot No 6 platelet incubator and agitators.

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