Asian Development Bank (HQ)

Implementing the Cities Development Initiative for Asia - Preparation of the Feasibility Study for the Khulna Water Supply Project (Phase 2)

Last update: May 8, 2023 Last update: May 8, 2023


Start Date:Mar 28, 2023
End Date:Nov 28, 2023
Contract value: USD 549,995
Sectors:Inst. Devt. & Cap. building, Water & Sanitation Inst. Devt. & Cap. building, Water & Sanitation
Categories:Consulting services
Date posted:May 8, 2023

Associated funding

Associated experts


TA No.: TA-6559 REG

Executing Agency: Asian Development Bank

Project Number: 54128-001

Contract description: The main objective of the CDIA-financed PPS is to prepare a holistic water supply investment program that covers the issues that contribute to dry season water shortages, increased water supply coverage to unserved areas, system optimization and improvement (including NRW management), The PPS will conduct a feasibility study to prioritize the subprojects taking into account the interventions done under KWSP Phase 1 which were based on the JICA study in 2011, and preliminary design documents for the proposed Khulna Water Supply Project (Phase 2) which will include outline financial and economic analysis and safeguard due diligence necessary to facilitate the linkage to downstream ADB financing. The scope of the CDIA PPS includes the preparation of an institutional and capacity development road map and the recommendations to address the cause of high salinity

Engagement Period 8 MONTH

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