Japan International Cooperation Agency HQ

The Study on the Integrated Development Strategy for Danang City and its Neighboring Area in the Socialist Republic of Viet Nam (Year 1 to Year 2)

Last update: Apr 9, 2015 Last update: Apr 9, 2015


Start Date:Jun 1, 2008
End Date:Jan 31, 2011
Contract value: USD 321,970,950
Sectors:Urban Development Urban Development
Categories:Consulting services
Date posted:Apr 17, 2014

Associated funding

Associated experts


Narrative description of Project:

Danang City, the largest city in the Central Vietnam, holds an international airport and a seaport and functions as a trade hub with Japan, China, Taiwan and Korea.  In addition, the City works as an eastern gateway of East-West Economic Corridor, which connects Vietnam, Lao PDR, Thailand and Myanmar.Under the circumstance, foreign direct investment to five industrial estates and zones in the City is growing rapidly.  The south of Danang lie the Free Economic Zones and Economic Zones under construction and the Central Vietnam Economic Zones in total is also developing.The Government of Vietnam is currently preparing various plans on the Central Focal Economic Zone.  Some plans have been authorized by the Prime Minister and others are under its authorization process.  Concurrently, Danang City is also drafting plans but some inconsistency with other plans and uncertain role and relationship of Danang with other areas have been pointed out.  Recently, the Construction Plan of Danang is to be revised and these problems should be adjusted in the revision process.To deal with this situation, JICA and Danang People’s Committee signed the Scope of Work (S/W) in January 2008 in order to prepare an integrated development strategy and plan.  The plan is intended to realize a harmonized development with environment and neighboring area.  Based on the S/W, this Study aims at preparing an urban master plan toward the target year of 2025.Firstly, the Study examines the role of Danang in the Central Focal Economic Zone, which contains Danang City and four provinces, the relationship of Danang with other four provinces and key infrastructure.  Secondly, the Study prepares an urban master plan for the Danang City.  Thirdly, urban transport and environment are focused as significant sectors, and programs for the two are prepared.  Finally, several priority projects are identified from the urban master plan, urban transport program, and environment program.  Short term action plans are created for the target year of 2015.

Description of actual services provided in the assignment:

-Land use planning/ urban planning/ deputy team leade

r-Economic development

-Urban Infrastructure

-Environment and Social Consideration

-Public Finance Management.

Approx. value of the services provided by your firm under the contract: US$ 692,214 (JPY 73,997,700)

Name of senior regular full-time employees of your firm involved and functions performed: Deputy Team Leader (Joji Terahara).

Client: JICA Japan International Cooperation Agency.

Duration of assignment (months): 30.8 months

Total No of person-months of the assignment: 79.37 M/M

No of professional man-months provided by your firm (in the case of joint venture): 23.73 M/M

No of professional man-months provided by the joint venture partners or Sub-Consultants:  55.64 M/M

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