European Commission Directorate-General for International Partnerships (EuropeAid HQ)

Greenhouse gas emissions trading system outreach to developing countries, Lot B

Last update: Jul 28, 2017 Last update: Jul 28, 2017


Locations:Brazil, China, India, Mexico, South Africa, South Korea
Start Date:Sep 1, 2010
End Date:Sep 1, 2012
Contract value: EUR 499,600
Sectors:Energy, Environment & NRM, Inst. Devt. & Cap. buil ...
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Energy, Environment & NRM, Inst. Devt. & Cap. building
Categories:Consulting services
Date posted:Nov 1, 2012

Associated funding

Associated experts


This project aims at providing capacity building for the development and implementation, including transitional instruments, of greenhouse gas emission trading systems (ETS) in developing countries with high total greenhouse gas emissions (e.g. China, India, Brazil, Mexico, South Africa, South Korea). This project will attempt to:

a) Elaborate emission profiles of the target countries identifying key sectors and companies that contribute to the country's greenhouse gas emissions in order to assess the potential to develop ETS. This would include analysis of existing greenhouse gas mitigation policy and related legislation.   

b) Identify key stakeholders among policy makers, academia, non-governmental sector and business, who could be involved in designing and deciding on a system. This would include assessment of business readiness to deal with market infrastructures and institutions (e.g., exchange platforms and financial regulators) in the beneficiary country.

c) Develop information material on main design elements of an ETS, on its implementation (in particular, setting up monitoring, reporting, verification, compliance and enforcement systems), benefits of ETS compared to other regulatory instruments and issues to consider when developing a cap-and-trade system with absolute cap. This information material would consider sectoral crediting mechanism as an intermediate step to a cap-and-trade system.   

d) Perform outreach activities on emission trading systems adapted to the needs of the specific target group.

e) Perform capacity building activities to train experts in emerging economies and developing countries on various aspects of emissions trading systems. This could include initiatives like summer schools for young professionals, training programmes aimed at specific element of emission trading systems (e.g. monitoring, reporting, verification) or particular sector in the target country, establishing academic partnerships among universities and introducing courses on emission trading systems in target country universities or activities aimed at promoting public understanding of carbon markets with particular focus on non-governmental organisations.

Lot B: Capacity building: this lot would cover point e) of the contract description. 

McKinsey&Company (Sweden) with

Member 3 :Guido Schmidt-Traub as a natural person (Germany)

Member 4 :Alberto Carrillo as a natural person (Mexico)

Member 5 :Christoph Grobbel as a natural person (Germany)


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