![European Commission Directorate-General for International Partnerships (EuropeAid HQ) European Commission Directorate-General for International Partnerships (EuropeAid HQ)](
EU4Dialogue: Supporting understanding between conflict parties
Start Date:Oct 1, 2020
End Date:Sep 30, 2024
Contract value: EUR 2,845,400
Sectors: Civil Society & NGOs, Conflict, Research
Categories:Consulting services
Funding Agencies:
Date posted:Dec 5, 2023
Project details:
The overall objective of this action is to contribute to the transformation of the unresolved conflicts in the EaP region. The action is build on a regional, individual and multi-country approach, promoting EU best practices and ensuring compliance with human rights law, including on gender equality, and the new EU Strategy on Women, Peace and Security.
Its specific objective is to establish an environment conducive to diffusing tension and fostering better understanding amongst the conflicting parties and stakeholders.
The main results to be achieved by the contractor are:
- the programme’s confidence and peacebuilding efforts are inclusive and have involved civil society, including women’s organisations, opinion shapers, and where possible decision-makers;
- strengthened constructive exchange on conflict narratives;
- people-to-people contacts across dividing lines have been reinforced in the framework of the programme activities;
- in the framework of the programme synergies between different dialogue and diplomatic tracks have been strengthened;
- the target groups in the conflict-afflicted communities are aware of the EU’s readiness to provide support.
- Development of knowledge management products, studies, analysis as well as communication materials and a joint repository;
- Facilitation and/or organisation of events (cultural/thematic) contributing to conflict transformation and dialogue processes (e.g. discreet meetings, thematic workshops, seminars or conferences), across the wider society including Track 1 actors and civil society;
- Provision of logistical support to conflict transformation/dialogue related processes and events that are being supported by the EU.
- Local and/or external research (e.g. from academic institutions or think tanks) in order to gain better understanding of the situation and support critical debate over peace alternatives in the conflicts-divided societies, including from a gender perspective;
- Events that offer conflict-affected population - from youth, women’s rights advocates, business, civil society, decision influencers, local administrators, professionals etc.- practical examples of conflict resolution, engagement and training on conflict transformation techniques, support for the development of alternative narratives;
- Facilitate for civil society actors focusing on conflict prevention, mediation, peace building and reconciliation to exchange with, and mutually learn from their EU peers;
- Support to the affected communities, wider society and possibly Track 1 actors in developing conflict transformation opportunities to help to deal with the past, e.g. on issues connected with missing persons, cultural heritage or gender specific aspects of conflict transformation;
- Developing conflict sensitive and responsible journalism and communication; analysing conflict discourses and narratives and developing a constructive and professionally diverse conversation through media programming, including broadcast and social media;
- Cultural exchanges, trainings and performances to foster engagement between conflict affected communities;
- Capacity building in mediation and negotiation /Preparing Populations for Peace for high-level officials, based on their request;
- Capacity building of CSOs and other professional groups on preparing populations for peace and project management of conflict transformation actions;
- Outreach that reinforces understanding of the benefits of peace and dialogue and raises awareness and understanding of EU policy support;