Intervento Multisettoriale Integrato Di Emergenza, Inclusa la Fornitura Di Multipurpose Cash Assistance, in Risposta Ai Bisogni Della Popolazione Vulnerabile Afflitta Dalla Crisi Umanitaria Nel Tigray/ Integrated Multi-sectoral Emergency Response, Including the Provision of Multipurpose Cash Assistance, in Response to the Needs of the Vulnerable Population Affected by the Humanitarian Crisis in Tigray
Start Date:2024
End Date:Unknown
Contract value: EUR 1,800,000
Sectors: Banking, Humanitarian Aid & Emergency
Funding Agencies:
Date posted:Jul 11, 2024
Call reference number: AID 12882/01/0
Programme title: Strengthening the humanitarian response in Ethiopia
Project number: 03/12882/ETH
Project Title: Integrated Multi-sectoral Emergency Response, Including the Provision of Multipurpose Cash Assistance, in Response to the Needs of the Vulnerable Population Affected by the Humanitarian Crisis in Tigray
Geographical Area: Regione Tigray
Duration: 21 Months