
Start Date:May 16, 2011
End Date:Nov 16, 2011
Contract value: USD 74,981
Sectors: Pollution & Waste Management (incl. treatment)
The objective of the assignment is to assist the Government of Albania (GoA) represented by the Ministry of Public Works and Transport and the Project Coordination Unit) to define the performance standards for commercial operation of the Landfill, to advise on the options for operation and the management of the Landfill including appropriate contractual arrangements, to conclude the service level agreements between the participating municipalities and communes, to advise on the tariff setting and the collection of gate fees for the operations, as well as on ownership arrangements and/or transfer of assets.
Specific tasks
The main aspects of Landfill and Transfer Station operation which will be defined under this assignment are:
1. Stakeholders and their respective roles and obligations (e.g., participating Municipalities and Commune, Vlora Region, Ministry of Public Works and Transport and its solid waste department, qualifying criteria for waste collection companies operating in the area and the Transfer Station operator, the Landfill operator, other possible operators etc.,);
2. Performance standards for high operating efficiency and maintenance of the SWM infrastructure which includes Landfill, Transfer Station and transportation vehicles (trucks);
3. Options for involvement of private operators and/or the establishment of an (inter)municipal company or management entity under alternative authority (state or qark); related to that the identifications/description of application risks and risk mitigation provisions for the operational alternatives considered;
4. Ownership arrangements and – if applicable— arrangements for transfer of equity/assets and the option where the public sector would retain ownership of assets but would be compensated for investments. Description of details (e.g. technical, managerial, financial and contractual, and risks etc.) of the option when investments in the waste disposal and transfer facilities will be made by the public sector and the use and management of the facilities will rest with the local stakeholders;
5. Financial management, including recurring payments of services (transport, disposal) to be implemented and system(s) for collection of these payments from waste generators: local tax, tariff or other means to collect the “gate fee” from citizens and business customers; and
The corresponding legal and contractual agreements for the establishment of an entity or entities to own and/or manage the facilities and service level agreements between the facility operators and the clients and underlying commitments, incentives and penalties for the entering parties.