
Renovation of bridge over River Keve – Waco-Cungo / Huambo road

Last update: Apr 22, 2015 Last update: Apr 22, 2015


Start Date:Jan 1, 2005
End Date:Dec 31, 2006
Sectors:Civil Engineering, Roads & Bridges Civil Engineering, Roads & Bridges
Funding Agencies:
Date posted:Apr 16, 2015

Associated funding

Associated experts


Localization: Waco-Cungo / Alto Hama Road – Kwanza Sul province

Main characteristics:

The recovery of this bridge enabled the crossing between the Provinces of South Kuanza and Huambo, reducing the land link between Luanda and Huambo by approximately 3 hours.

Total length of the bridge – 197.3 m
Length of the recovered part of the bridge – 130.7 m
Length of the new part of the bridge – 66.60 m

The recovery work included reinforcement of the existing pillars (including pre-stress in rods), painting, surfacing, signalling and drainage.

The new part is made up of 3 beams, using prefabricated and pre-stressed reinforced concrete beams and prefabricated reinforced concrete flagstones, with the final platform concreted in situ

Participation: 100%

Client: Angolan Roads Authority.

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