United States Agency for International Development (USA - HQ)

Education in Crisis/Conflict-Affected and Fragile Environments (ECAFE): 00075

Last update: Sep 22, 2014 Last update: Sep 22, 2014


Start Date:Aug 7, 2014
End Date:Aug 6, 2019
Sectors:Conflict, Training Conflict, Training
Categories:Consulting services
Date posted:Sep 22, 2014

Associated funding

Associated experts


: SOL-OAA-12-000107
Award Number: AID-OAA-I-00075
Project title: Education in Crisis/Conflict-Affected and Fragile Environments (ECAFE)
Description: The purpose of the Education in Crisis/Conflict-Affected and Fragile Environments (ECAFE) Indefinite Delivery Indefinite Quantity Contract (IDIQ) is to establish a world-wide IDIQ to support USAID Missions and Bureaus in addressing their education objectives in environments that may be or have been affected by crisis, conflict, fragility and/or lawlessness. This award will support the attainment of Goal Three of the USAID Education Strategy: Increased equitable access to education in crisis and conflict environments for 15 million learners by 2015.
ECAFE will:
- provide technical assistance and services to USAID Bureaus and Missions to help them assess, design, implement, coordinate, monitor and evaluate education programs in crisis/conflict-affected, fragile and lawless environments;
- manage and provide training services that will build the capacity of the Agency and its partners to understand the role education plays in mitigating crisis, conflict and fragility and to apply that understanding to effectively design and implement education programs in crisis/conflict-affected, fragile and lawless environments; and
- provide services in research, guidance, assessment, monitoring and evaluation, and associated data collection and analyses in order to generate and disseminate results and knowledge related to education in crisis/conflict-affected, lawless and fragile situations.
Duration: Five (5) years

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