World Bank HQ

Customs and Trade Facilitation Project - Additional Financing: Technical Assistance for Customs Training Center Development Program

Last update: 6 days ago Last update: Feb 4, 2025


Start Date:Oct, 2015
End Date:Jun, 2017
Contract value: USD 1,095,415
Sectors:Border Management, Law, Risk Management (incl. ins ...
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Border Management, Law, Risk Management (incl. insurance), Standards & Consumer Protection
Categories:Consulting services
Funding Agencies:
Date posted:Jan 20, 2016

Associated funding

Associated experts


Project Name: Customs and Trade Facilitation Project - Addition
Project Number: P101750
Ref #: CS-12-CTFP-AF-2014
Scope of Contract: The overall objective of the assignment is to support the Customs Department of the Ministry of Finance to adopt and fully implement a range of new and improved systems and procedures in line with international standards and accepted good practice approaches focused on the following seven separate but closely interrelated task clusters:
Task Cluster 1: Risk Management and Intelligence;
Task Cluster 2: Compliance Improvement and Authorized Economic Operators;
Task Cluster 3: Communication and Change Management;
Task Cluster 4: Performance Monitoring and Client Service Standards;
Task Cluster 5: Administrative Appeals; and,
Task Cluster 6: Integrity Enhancement.
The estimated international consultancy inputs for this assignment are estimated to be a minimum of forty seven (47) person-months in total (for both technical inputs towards the completion of the individual task clusters, as well as project management for the overall customs capacity enhancement program), with individual team member inputs provided initially on a full-time basis followed up with short term missions as required. It is expected that seven international subject matter specialists above (in which of one for each task cluster above and one for Team Leader or Project Manager) will be required to complete the assignment and the majority of inputs will be delivered in Vientiane working alongside government officials.

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