European Commission Directorate-General for International Partnerships (EuropeAid HQ)

Civil works for improvement of drainage systems, Lot 5: Drainage Civil Works in Brikama

Last update: Mar 16, 2016 Last update: Mar 16, 2016


Start Date:
End Date:
Contract value: GMD 34,543,905
Sectors:Civil Engineering, Roads & Bridges Civil Engineering, Roads & Bridges
Date posted:Mar 10, 2016

Associated funding

Associated experts


Project title: Civil works for improvement of drainage systems

Publication reference: EuropeAid/137015/ID/WKS/GM

Contract number: FED/2015/365-630

Description of the contract:

Lot 5: Drainage Civil Works in Brikama

Construction and reconstruction of road drains, open drainage channels, road culverts, retention ponds, bridges and other drainage structures in six urban centres.

Duration of contract: 5 (five) Months

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