Professional and personal development skills: Essential skills for assistants, Lot 6
Start Date:
End Date:
Sectors: Training
File reference number attributed by the contracting authority: VP-1233
Information on framework agreement: The notice involves the establishment of a framework agreement
Contract No: 1
Contract No: 2
Contract No: 3
Short description of the contract or purchase(s): Acquiring various trainings for some or all categories of EIB staff (graduates, secretarial, clerical, support staff, executive staff, managers), through the following:
1. design and/or development and adaptation to EIB needs of training courses, workshops, tools and materials;
2. provision of training courses, workshops, tools and materials;
3. quality control, follow-up and reporting.
Lot No: 6: Title: Essential skills for assistants.
This topic is aimed at providing support staff with the tools to perform with effectiveness and confidence, so as to ensure a high-quality support to the Bank's business and objectives.
Duration: 4 years.