
The empowerment of social networks and of juvenile courts regards the knowledge and the use of the law against sexual violence, exploitation and trafficking of people (Decree n°9/2009)
Start Date:Feb 1, 2010
End Date:Aug 1, 2011
Contract value: EUR 99,900
Sectors: Human Rights, Training, Youth
Funding Agencies:
Date posted:Nov 26, 2012
“Empoderamiento de redes sociales y Juzgados de la Niñez y la Adolescencia en el conocimiento y manejo de la Ley Contra la Violencia Sexual, Explotación y Trata de Personas (Decreto 9-2009) en el marco de la Doctrina de Protección Integral y Derechos
The project aims to promote, spread and improve the enforcement of the new “Law against sexual violence and trafficking of human beings in Guatemala”; in this way there will be a contribute to the diffusion and full knowledge of the rights of children and adolescents, to the protection of the victims, to the improvement of the access to justice and safety.
The intervention will take place in five regions:
1) Santa Rosa, Jutiapa, Escuintla, Suchitepéquez, Retalhuleu and Sur de San Marcos;
2) Norte de San Marcos, Huehuetenango, Quetzaltenango,Totonicapán;
3) Quiché, Sololá, Chimaltenango;
4) Guatemala, Sacatepéquez, El Progreso, Jalapa;
5) Peten, Baja Verapaz, Alta Verapaz, Izabal, Zacapa, Chiquimula.
The main activities expected in the project are:
Group 1:
- operational meeting with 20 representatives of social organizations (Organismo Judicial, Procuraduría General de la Nación, Ministerio Público, Secretaría Contra la Explotación Sexual y Comisión Nacional de la Niñez y de la Adolescencia).
- training courses for social operators for childhood and adolescence’s rights.
- evaluation meeting of the training.
- information/learning meetings about the “'Law against sexual violence and trafficking of human beings in Guatemala” addressed to the local social organizations.
Group 2:
- operational meeting with 20 representatives of state institutions (Organismo Judicial, Procuraduría General de la Nación, Ministerio Público, Secretaría Contra la Explotación Sexual y Comisión Nacional de la Niñez y de la Adolescencia).
- regional training courses for justice operators.
- evaluation meeting of the training.
- training for 20 representatives of state institutions.
Group 3:
- design and publication of 4,000 copies of the 'Law against sexual violence and trafficking of human beings in Guatemala' for adult people and 4,000 copies for children and adolescents.
- design and printing of 2,000 leaflets and a banner for visibility and awareness activities.
- distribution of 3,000 copies of the 'Law' and of 1,000 leaflets about the project to 400 organizations and institutions.
- accomplishment of an event to illustrate the Law.