Assistance in risk management services and compliance Lot 3: project management and IT
Start Date:
End Date:
Sectors: Information & Communication Technology, Risk Management (incl. insurance)
Categories:Consulting services
Funding Agencies:
Date posted:Apr 29, 2014
File reference number attributed by the contracting authority: VP-1138
The notice involves: The establishment of a framework agreement.
Information on framework agreement: Framework agreement with several operators. Number: 1–5.
Short description of the contract or purchase(s):
To support activities in the areas of risk management and compliance, based upon 3 lots of deliverables, which will be individually regulated by specific framework agreements:
lot 3: Project management and IT, and in particular such aspects as:
— project management and planning of activities,
— assessment of IT implications and specifications of IT requirements in relation to the subjects covered in lot 1
and 2,
— hands-on assistance to business users in the implementation of necessary changes in the Bank's IT tools
and applications (e.g. Moody's RAY, Algo, etc.).
Contract No: 1 - 4
Duration in year(s): up to 4.