Foreign, Commonwealth & Development Office (HQ)

Fund Management Services for Cholera Training in Ghana

Last update: May 27, 2016 Last update: May 27, 2016


Locations:Ghana, UK
Start Date:Nov 17, 2014
End Date:Feb 13, 2015
Contract value: GBP 2,384,340
Sectors:Health, Training Health, Training
Categories:Consulting services
Date posted:May 27, 2016

Associated funding

Associated experts


Framework Agreement for: Health (including Nutrition) & Education PEAKS
Framework Agreement Purchase Order Number: PO 5752
Call-down Contract For: Fund Management Services for Cholera Training in Ghana
Contract Purchase Order Number: PO 6983


The main area for immediate support:
1. To assist GHS (Ghana Health Service) to provide orientation to Community Based Surveillance volunteers

2. Assist GHS provide participants with training to detect and report suspected cases to the health system.

3. Assist GHS provide skills to participants to locate and follow up contacts during contact tracing.
These orientations will aim to impart to participants the knowledge and skills that are specified in the WHO surveillance standard operating procedures. The support to be contracted will include:

  • Coordinating with GHS Coordinators (see below)
  • Provision of orientation on surveillance protocols for community-based teams.
  • Provision of fund management. Payments will be made following consultation with the coordination team and upon request from them.

Key Objective:
Enabling GHS to complete the following by end of January 2015:

  • Train 22,000 community-based surveillance teams from all 10 regions on Standard Operating Procedures (SOP) for Ebola Virus Disease surveillance.



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