European Commission Directorate-General for International Partnerships (EuropeAid HQ)

Dialogue for a Policy on the relationship between the Secular State and Religion

Last update: Jul 20, 2015 Last update: Jul 20, 2015


Start Date:Aug 1, 2009
End Date:Aug 1, 2011
Contract value: EUR 243,244
Sectors:Public Administration
Public Administration
Date posted:Nov 29, 2012

Associated funding

Associated experts


Dialogue for a Policy on the relationship between the Secular State and Religion.

The EIDHR is designed to help civil society to become an effective force for political reform and defence of human rights. Great flexibility and increased capacity to respond to changing circumstances or to support innovation are among the features of the new instrument.

This call for proposals is published with the aim of selecting actions concerning "strengthening the role of civil society in promoting human rights and democratic reform, in facilitating the peaceful conciliation of group interests and in consolidating political participation and representation". 

The objective is to assist civil society in developing greater cohesion in working on human rights, political pluralism and democratic political participation and representation, in contributing to the peaceful conciliation of group interests, combating discrimination on any ground, and in developing equal participation of men and women in social, economic and political life, thus becoming an effective force for positive change, through cooperation among local civil society organisations and stakeholders.

Throughout all project proposals the mainstreaming the rights of the child, the rights of persons with disabilities and gender equality, where applicable should be ensured. All projects will need to show, whenever relevant, how these issues are taken into account in the design, implementation and monitoring of their activities. Principles such as empowerment, participation, non-discrimination of vulnerable groups and accountability have to be adequately taken into account.

Project proposals aimed at improving legislation, including second legislation and law-enforcement policy are encouraged.

The following priorities of the call for proposals to be financed under EIDHR:

i) the pursuit of common agendas for human rights and democratic reform based on cooperation between civil society organisations and other actors across different regions, communities and identity groups by actions aiming at the prevention of torture and ill-treatment, freedom of expression, freedom of association, fair elections, supporting and strengthening the international and national framework for the protection of human rights, justice and the rule of law;

ii) building towards consensus on disputed or controversial areas of policy by means of civil society dialogues which seek to bridge societal divides and which bring together a wide range of stakeholders to share experience and analyse common problems and aimed to support rights-based initiatives for secular-religious dialogue, reconciliation, dialogue on socio-economic rights, including improving of living conditions, access to natural resources, renewable energy and land reform

iii)initiatives to enhance the inclusiveness, political representation and pluralism of civil society by supporting activities and capacity-building of new or fragile civil society organisations formed by groups whose interests are underrepresented, or otherwise contributing to the empowerment of such groups (for example minority groups, rural groups, labour migrants and their family members, internally displaced persons, drug users and HIV/AIDS positive people, people with disabilities, children, women etc), including initiatives of civil society in dialogue with political society (e.g. with political parties, groups of parliamentarians or legislative bodies) and initiatives to promote independent media excluding hate media.

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