Sustainable Enterpreneuneral Farming Through Revitalisaston of the Cocoa sector and Industry board
Start Date:Jul 24, 2009
End Date:Jul 24, 2011
Contract value: EUR 500,000
Sectors: Agriculture, Inst. Devt. & Cap. building
Funding Agencies:
Date posted:Dec 5, 2012
Sustainable Enterpreneuneral Farming Through Revitalisasion of the Cocoa sector and Industry board.
The main objective of the EU Banana Support Programme is to maintain living standards of farmers, farm and port workers and their communities in the banana producing areas in the short term and to improve their living standards in the long term.
The specific objective of this Open Call for Proposals is to create income and employment opportunities for former banana farmers, and displaced farm and port workers by promoting economic activities in and around their communities. In compliance with the timeframe of the EC funding, all project activities funded under this initiative must be completed and financial statements audited by December 31st, 2011.