Support For Post Primary Education Development: Policy and Advisory
Start Date:Jan 31, 2017
End Date:Unknown
Contract value: USD 566,600
Sectors: Education, Inst. Devt. & Cap. building
TA No.: 8385-MYA
Executing Agency: Ministry of Education
Contract Description: Policy and Advisory
Summary Objective and Purpose of the Assignment: Under technical assistance (TA) project TA 8385-MYA: Support for Post-Primary Education Development, the Asian Development Bank (ADB) is supporting the Myanmar Ministry of Education (MOE) to formulate new lower secondary education (LSE or “middle school”) and upper secondary education (USE or “high school”) curricula that is more relevant to Myanmar’s evolving socioeconomic context, including refocusing on soft skills (e.g., critical thinking, problem-solving, and communication) needed in a modern economy. To date, TA 8385 has supported MOE in preparatory stages of LSE and USE curriculum development, including mobilization of an Expert on Secondary Education Policy and Curricular Reform (ESEPCR) and other members of an initial group of curriculum development consultants (IGCDC).