Terra Centre

Terra Centre

Jobs 6
Shortlists/Awards 0
Pricing strategy 0
Partners/Competitors 0
Last update: Jul 13, 2021 Last update: Jul 13, 2021
Pricing strategy


Legal residence:Canada
Funding agencies:Other
Sectors:Civil Society & NGOs, Gender, Social Development Civil Society & NGOs, Gender, Social Development
Sanctions:Check now
Status: Active

Attachments 0


Terra Centre is a non-profit organization helping pregnant and parenting teens develop the self-reliance and skills to be successful parents. Terra provides support, services, and necessities to 1,000 moms, dads and children each year. We have 65 employees located at three different sites that allow us to offer a diverse range of programs at no cost to young families thanks to committed funders and donors. 

We are proud to lead the way in serving young dads and to employ male Outreach Workers who focus specifically on providing young dads with highly individualized support to achieve their goals in being involved and engaged in their children’s lives.

We are able to accept young parents at whatever point they are at in their journey and tailor our services to meet their distinct needs and circumstances. We understand that each young parent’s experiences are unique to them and our Starting Point program reflects that. Most importantly, Terra contributes to the well-being of our community’s most vulnerable children. Teen parents gain valuable skills and become more knowledgeable about infant care, bonding, attachment, developmental play, guiding behaviors and positive discipline that increase their capacity to parent more effectively and create a solid foundation on which to build a family life.

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