Local Democracy Agency Sisak

Local Democracy Agency Sisak

Jobs 0
Shortlists/Awards 2
Pricing strategy 0
Partners/Competitors 5
Last update: Dec 6, 2024 Last update: Dec 6, 2024
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Legal residence:Croatia
Organization type:NGO
Funding agencies:EC
European Commission Directorate-General for International Partnerships (EuropeAid HQ)
Sectors:Civil Society & NGOs, Democratization, Human Right ...
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Civil Society & NGOs, Democratization, Human Rights
Nr. of employees:2-10
Sanctions:Check now

Attachments 0


Local Democracy Agency Sisak (LDA Sisak) is nongovernmental and non-for-profit organisation established in 1996 as a pilot project of Congress of Local and Regional Authorities of Council of Europe with aim to support local democratic processes and promote human rights and active citizenship.

In our work we are using specific methodology of multilateral decentralised cooperation in partnership with local and regional self-governments and other nongovernmental organisation in and out of Croatia.

Since 2006 we are working as a domestic organisation. LDA Sisak a member of Association of the Local Democracy Agencies.

In 2004 for a project "Human Rights Calender" LDA Sisak has received the Republic of France prize "Liberte-Egalite-Fraternite" for youth human rights education.


Society at what every individual has equal opportunities for using one's own potentials. Peace, human rights, tolerance, mobility and richness of diversity are characteristics of that society.


Local Democracy Agency Sisak by promoting human rights, preserving peace and strengthening local democracy contributes to local community development and active citizenship.

By implementing non-profit programs, connecting and networking responds to the needs of individuals, local government and wider community.

Values and principles

  1. Respect of human rights
  2. Democracy
  3. Tolerance and non-discrimination
  4. Multiculturalism
  5. Active citizenship and development of civil society
  6. Building of partnerships
  7. Connecting communities (social, cultural and economical exchange)
  8. Community development
  9. International cooperation
  10. Stimulation of positive social changes using innovative methods


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