Koinoniki kai Synetairistiki Epicheirisi Kallitechneio Kentro Technis, Politismou kai Koinonikis Endynamosis / Social and Cooperative Enterprise Artist Center for Art, Culture and Social Empowerment

Koinoniki kai Synetairistiki Epicheirisi Kallitechneio Kentro Technis, Politismou kai Koinonikis Endynamosis / Social and Cooperative Enterprise Artist Center for Art, Culture and Social Empowerment

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Shortlists/Awards 1
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Partners/Competitors 12
Last update: Dec 6, 2024 Last update: Dec 6, 2024
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Legal residence:Greece
Organization type:Other business entity
Funding agencies:EC, Other
European Commission Directorate-General for International Partnerships (EuropeAid HQ), Other
Sectors:Civil Society & NGOs, Culture, Media and Communica ...
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Civil Society & NGOs, Culture, Media and Communications, Youth
Sanctions:Check now

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"Kon.S.Ep. Kallitechneio - Center of Art, Culture and Social Empowerment" started in 1993 under the name "Artistic Cafe of Acharneos" and is made up of people regardless of age who self-managed the space that began to be housed in order to meet, chat, interact, engage in some form of art. In 2012 , it was renamed "Kallitechneio ton Acharna"and the members of the community of volunteers increased rapidly; the operation of seminars such as artistic photography, children's classes of painting, creative work, handmade jewelry, sign language as well as the first Social Education Center in Acharnes, a free lending library in the city, began.

In 2017members of the "Kallitechneio of Acharnon" community are starting the procedures for the formation of the "Social Cooperative Enterprise Kallietechneio - Space of Art, Culture and Social Empowerment". At the same time, the dreams begin for a radical change of the space, the goals and dreams of the group, its members and its activities, placing the Human at the center and the requirements for a creative extroversion, lifelong education and expression through art.


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