DEIHERM - Development Education Institute for Human & Enviornment Resource Management
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Pricing strategy
Legal residence:Sri Lanka
Organization type:Nonprofit institute / think tank
Funding agencies: Other
Sectors: Advocacy, Agriculture, Civil Society & NGOs, Conflict, Corporate Social Responsibility, Culture, Democratization, Disaster Reduction, Education, Energy, Environment & NRM, Fisheries & Aquaculture, Food Processing & Safety, Food Security, Fundraising, Gender, Health, Human Resources, Human Rights, Humanitarian Aid & Emergency, Information & Communication Technology, Inst. Devt. & Cap. building, Labour Market & Employment, Land & Erosion & Soil, Law, Livestock (incl. animal/bird production & health), Macro-Econ. & Public Finance, Media and Communications, Micro-finance, Migration, Monitoring & Evaluation, Pollution & Waste Management (incl. treatment), Poverty Reduction, Programme & Resource Management, Public Administration, Regional Integration, Research, Risk Management (incl. insurance), Rural Development, Science & Innovation, SME & Private Sector, Social Development, Tourism, Training, Urban Development, Water & Sanitation, Youth
Nr. of employees:2-10
DEIHERM is in NGO inaugurated in 1985. The Organization was registered under the Department of Social Services in 1992.
It collaborates with other NGOs, private sector, public sector and estate sector organizations. It is granting its services to the deprived local communities and Environmental protection in Sri Lanka. Engaged in Early childhood development, promoting back-to-school programs for School dropouts and non-school-going children, child protection, youth development, environment protection, eradication of dangerous drugs, alcohol, and other addictions such as NCD Issues, Child, Women and Human rights promotion, Small and medium entrepreneurship development, strengthening civil rights, good governance, Skills development, preventing of STDs, HIV/AIDS and SRHR, Promotion of peace though ethnic harmony and non-violence, social and economic development of TEA ESTATE sector labor community and fishery communities, Agriculture and agroforestry, Food safety and security, provision of public water supply and sanitary, improving health and nutrition, Participatory rural development, Savings and credit programmers, training and advocacy and promotion of Media and communication for human rights protection.