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Last update: Dec 6, 2024 Last update: Dec 6, 2024
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Legal residence:Puerto Rico
Organization type:Consulting organization
Funding agencies:Other
Sectors:Public Administration
Public Administration
Sanctions:Check now

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Coamo was founded on July 15, 1579 under the invocation of San Blas de Illescas or San Blas de Coamo and in collaboration with Los Bishops Mercado y Salamanca. The island was practically a forest. The town of Coamo, was located to the north of where previously there was a large Indian village, which was located where the street Buenos Aires now lies, which is on the banks of the Coamo River and within the urban limits of the city. Its extension was from the Guayama River to the Jacaguas River.

At the initiative of Governor Ramirez de Estenós, in 1756 coffee was first planted in Puerto Rico. In 1962 the Church of Altagracia was founded. Later in 1685 the Valvanera Church was founded. An epidemic of cholera broke out and promises were made to the Virgin of Valvanera to paralyze the disease. The telegraph arrived in Coamo in 1870. In 1879 a terrible fire destroyed the mayor's house with all the documents. In 1898 one of the most important battles of the Spanish-American War took place on the site known today by Bo. Falls. In 1908 when he was mayor, Don Manuel Betances established the aqueduct system to supply drinking water to the town. In 1920 the electric light began and an electric power plant was established to service the municipality.

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Mission: Quality of service and being good hosts is our mission. Serving with care, love and dedication to everyone who comes to us, focusing on customer service. Raise the image of our municipality by achieving the satisfaction of our customers and adding values to each interaction we have with them.

Vision: To make everyone in our Culture and Tourism office recognize the importance that processes have in achieving customer satisfaction. To ensure that the heritage of our city is disclosed and preserved in such a way that all the information given to the visitor is unique and irreplaceable.

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