Agency for Regional Development of Transnistria

Agency for Regional Development of Transnistria

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Shortlists/Awards 2
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Partners/Competitors 0
Last update: Dec 6, 2024 Last update: Dec 6, 2024
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Legal residence:Moldova
Organization type:Consulting organization
Funding agencies:EC, UNDP, Other
European Commission Directorate-General for International Partnerships (EuropeAid HQ), United Nations Development Programme (HQ), Other
Sectors:Rural Development, Social Development, Urban Devel ...
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Rural Development, Social Development, Urban Development
Sanctions:Check now

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Agency for Regional Development of Transnistria - a public, non-profit, non-political organization registered 21 February 2012, specializing in services of public interest for the sustainable development of rural and urban areas of Transnistria.

Agency for Regional Development of Transnistria is committed to building a society in which local authorities provide quality services and promote economic, social and environmental development, work in the interests of their communities, create mutual cooperation, where the individual ability is not limited. It promote  the right of citizens to participate in local affairs. All this will help make  municipalities make their communities ever more attractive places  for people to live and work.

The objectives of the establishment and activities of the Partnership are:

Improving the quality of life of the Transnistrian population through increased development of social infrastructure and engineering arrangement of villages and towns located in Transnistria;
Creation of legal, administrative, economic, environmental and cultural conditions for the transition to sustainable socio - economic development of areas of Transdniestria;
Creating conditions for the improvement of the socio - demographic situation in rural and urban areas, expansion of the labor market and ensuring its attractiveness;
Increasing the prestige of the villages and towns of Transnistria; reduction in labor and intellectual emigration.

The main objectives of the Partnership are:

Development and organization of programs and projects of socio-economic and cultural development of the villages and towns of Transnistria;
Strengthening economic bases of local self-government;
Organization of a tripartite partnership between government, business and civil society on the implementation of regional programs of socio-economic and cultural development of Transnistria;
Training of local professionals needed to implement the programs and projects of socio-economic and cultural development of the villages and towns of Transnistria;
Organization of international and inter-municipal socio-economic, cultural and educational cooperation in the framework of relevant programs and projects;
Information, institutional and investment - grant assistance.
Improvement of material and technical condition of educational and cultural institutions in rural areas;
The development and expansion of information-consulting and legal services for the population of Transnistria;
Support and development of small and medium-sized social entrepreneurship through information, institutional and investment - grant assistance.
Contribution to the development of rural, ecological and cultural tourism in rural areas.

Activities undertaken by the Agency at the moment:

conducts workshops, forums, round tables, consultations for employees of municipal authorities of Transnistria on writing project proposals, seek extra-budgetary funds, implementation of projects and their sustainable development;
act as an expert and conducts seminars and workshops on a contractual basis;
maintains relations with domestic and foreign organizations, donors, exchanges of delegations, sends its members to participate in international events;
analysis and research;
elaborates and publishes for its beneficiaries.


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