Foreign, Commonwealth & Development Office (HQ)

Programme to support Accountability and Inclusion in DRC or Programme d'Appui a la Redevabilite et l'Inclusion en DRC

Last update: Dec 20, 2024 Last update: Dec 20, 2024


Location:Dem. Rep. Congo
Dem. Rep. Congo
Category:Consulting services
Sectors:Civil Society & NGOs, Macro-Econ. & Public Finance, Risk Management (incl. insurance)
Contracting authority type:Development Institution
Date posted: Oct 3, 2022

Attachments 2

Associated Awards

Project cycle timeline



Programme to support Accountability and Inclusion in DRC or Programme d'Appui a la Redevabilite et l'Inclusion en DRC


Contract summary
Foreign economic-aid-related services - 75211200

Location of contract
G75 8EA

Procurement reference

Published date
26 September 2022

Closing date
10 October 2022

Contract is suitable for SMEs?

Contract is suitable for VCSEs?

This is a supply chain services opportunity to attend a virtual early market engagement event (EME) for an up to £10m governance contract requirement in the Democratic Republic of Congo. Which will be procured through FCDO's IMDP Framework via Lot 12 (Higher Value) and the EME offers prospectively interested supply chain members the opportunity to gain a greater understanding of the requirement and the ability to network with, and offer their supply chain services, to the IMDP Framework suppliers, post EME.

The Supplier will be expected to deliver on four key areas in particular: A. Programme management functions High quality Programme, Financial management and Risk Oversight which includes but is not limited to accurate, timely and robust financial management; robust risk management and mitigation strategies, including regular reporting and escalations; and management of core and associate sub-partners. B. Delivery on key workstreams of the Programme This contract will cover the two strands of the programme namely a) elections support and b) Public Financial Management (PFM)/Service delivery in the provinces of Kasai, South Kivu and possibly North Kivu and will deliver following outputs: Elections: Enhanced public participation in elections with particular attention on participation of vulnerable groups like women, girls and people living with disabilities. -Electoral institutions supported in technical capacity to organize elections. - Effective engagement by Civil Society Organizations (CSOs) on election monitoring.- Public Financial Management/Service Delivery: -Targeted political economy analysis (PEA) on specific reform blockages and budget analysis to provinces, including gender responsive programming. -Technical assistance (TA) to national institutions to support on decentralisation processes (retrocession) and financial oversight. - TA to provincial authorities in planning and budget execution. C. Coordinating relationships with sub-contractors and Managing grants The Supplier will have to work closely with and alongside civil society organizations to deliver most aspects of this contract. The Supplier will be required to manage a specific Civil Society Fund which will provide grants to CSOs to deliver the above-mentioned outputs. The supplier will therefore have to cover all related fund management functions including financial management, reporting, monitoring and evaluation and risk management on behalf of the sub-grantees. D. Monitoring, Learning and Evidence The Supplier will be requested to develop a results framework for the delivery of this contract. The Supplier will further be required to develop and propose a monitoring and evidence gathering strategy that allows to record and monitor the progress made towards the results while keeping track of shortfalls as well as successes in a learning log which should be presented to the FCDO once a year. Further details will be given as part of the EME Presentation.

More information
Link to EME Registration
Additional text

To register for this EME please register your interest by following the below link and provide the required details.

You must register for this EME by 9:00 a.m. GMT 10th October 2022. Joining Instructions will be provided before the EME takes place on Wednesday 12th October 2022 at 9:00 to 11:00 a.m. GMT. It will be held via MS Teams.

How to apply
Follow the instructions given in the description or the more information section.

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