Tender reference number: EEAS/DELKHMP/2023/OP/0375
Title: IT Support Services for the Delegation of the European Union to the Kingdom of Cambodia
Description: The contractor must provide the human and material resources necessary to provide the services in the non exhaustive list as detailed in the technical specifications and summarised as follows:— end-user support (1st level),— technical assistance with ICT software, hardware and equipment, including IMAC actions,— administrative assistance related to ICT,— on call IT support services.
Contract type: Services
Procedure type: Open procedure
Status: Open
Submission Method: Electronic
Information about a public contract, a framework agreement or a dynamic purchasing system (DPS): Framework agreement
Award method: Best price-quality ratio
TED publication date: 31/10/2023 00:00
Question deadline: N/A
Answer deadline: N/A
Time limit for receipt of tenders: 05/12/2023 17:00 UTC+07:00
Conditions for opening tenders (date): 06/12/2023 15:30 UTC+07:00