Objectives: As part of a GC7 grant to Cote d’Ivoire, the Global Fund contributes EUR 1 million to the World Bank Health, Nutrition, And Early Childhood Development Program for expanding coverage of the national health insurance scheme (CMU) through enrolment of vulnerable people living with HIV (PLHIV). The Global Fund is contracting technical assistance for an evaluation of the effect of CMU coverage on access to care by these PLHIV and their household members.
Eligibility criteria: Please refer to the Proposal Requirements and Evaluation section for detailed criteria. Proposals must include organi...
TGF-24-97 As part of a GC7 grant to Cote d’Ivoire, the Global Fund contributes EUR 1 million to the World Bank Health, Nutrition, And Early Childhood Development Program for expanding coverage of the national health insurance scheme (CMU) through enrolmen
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