Object of Procurement: Electricity produced in plants using renewable energy sources (solar, wind, hydro, biofuel, etc., as defined in the Renewable Energy Law) with Guarantees of Origin.
Planned Purchase Volumes:
1. A quantity of 4.5 MWh for each 15-minute Market Time Unit throughout the entire term of the Agreement, with Guarantees of Origin for the specified electricity amount. In standard years, this amounts to 157,680 MWh of electricity and Guarantees of Origin per year, and in leap years (when February has 29 days), 158,112 MWh of electricity and Guarantees of Origin per year.
2. A 7 (seven) year electricity supply Contract from January 1, 2026 (00:00 hours) to December 31, 2032 (24:00 hours), Lithuanian time.
All Procurement documents can be accesed here: European Dynamics - View CfT Workspace
The budget information is not disclosed.