Objectives: The ASEAN Catalytic Green Finance Facility (ACGF) aims to accelerate green infrastructure investments in Southeast Asia, supporting ASEAN governments in preparing and financing infrastructure projects that promote environmental sustainability and contribute to climate change goals. This assignment focuses on the Marine Ecosystems and Blue Economy Program (MEBEP) in the Philippines, enhancing sustainable management of coastal and marine resources to sustain a climate-resilient blue economy. The program addresses integrated management of fisheries and coastal resources, enhanced waste management, and investment in nature and blue carbon ecosystems.
Eligibility criteria: Applicants must hold a degree in public policy, economics, political science, or related areas, with sound technical experience and understanding of fisheries,...
.tb { border-collapse: collapse; width:300px; } .tb th, .tb td { padding: 5px; border: solid 1px #777; } .tb th { background-color: lightblue; } TA-6983 REG: Accelerating Climate Transitions through Green Finance in Southeast Asia - Fisheries Policy and G
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