Date documents can be requested until : 19 February 2025 16:00
Title : Elaboration of Rutsiro and Burera Green District Land Use Plans with detailed implementation strategies
Procurement No. : 100011990
Process : RFP
Description : GGGI Rwanda Country Office is inviting eligible firms/entities to submit their proposals for the following scope of work:
Important note: The Consultant must be established in Rwanda or demonstrate its permanent presence during the duration of the assignment
Rwanda’s socio-economic development is dependent on the environment and natural resources such as land, water, air, minerals and biodiversity . Rwanda aspires to become an upper middle-income country by 2035 and high-income country by 2050 with:
a. an urbanization rate of 70%,
b. 10.3% of land area protected to maintain biodiversity,
c. 30% of land covered by forests, and
d. net zero carbon economy by 2050.
Based on National Land Use and Development Master Plan (NLUDMP) 2020 - 2050, the urban population is projected at 7.5Mio (35%) on a coverage area of 897 km2 by 2035 and 15.4Mio (70%) on the coverage area of 1470 km2 by 2050. The rapid urban population growth coupled with the proliferation of unplanned human settlements have a major impact on land use, including loss of agricultural land, loss of biodiversity, and encroachment to the wetlands, for the benefit of housing development. In addition, unplanned settlements lead to inefficient delivery of urban infrastructure and basic services.
For a climate-resilient and net-zero economy target to be achieved, there is a need to ensure that the built-up area is well planned, efficiently managed, with established and functional administrative and development management plans to avoid conflict with other land uses, through efficient human settlement planning and development.
In this regard, GGGI seeks to engage a competent consulting firm (hereinafter referred to as “Consultant”) established in Rwanda or demonstrating its permanent presence during the duration of the assignment to tender for the assignment of elaboration of Rutsiro and Burera Green District Land Use Plans with detailed implementation strategies, clustering and integrating synergies of urban and rural areas into one plan. The needed competences are but not limited to expertise and experience in large scale strategic and integrated spatial and socio-economic planning, sustainable land use planning and development, climate resilient human settlement planning and design,
The main objective of this assignment is to enable the efficient and effective implementation of the provisions and recommendations of the National Land use and Development Master Plan (NLUDMP – 2050) at District level through the elaboration of Burera and Rutsiro Green District Land Use Plans (DLUPs with detailed implementation strategies, integrated with climate resilient spatial planning aspects, green economy, social inclusion, and environmental protection and management.
Specific objectives are set as follows:
1. Document the history of spatial development and Review the existing Burera and Rutsiro District local land development plans and formulate a new spatial composition of the district built-up environment (conceptual plan) susceptible to promote the emergence of climate resilient human settlement based on:
• Principles of sustainable land use,
• District’s urban, rurban, and rural existing physical, social, economic and environmental development potentialities
• Immediate, mid-term, and long term urban and rural development trends
2. Locate the major investment decisions and infrastructure through land use zoning categories guided by mix land use principle, and related land subdivision (detailed physical plan) with implementation strategies
3. Propose urban, rurban, and rural housing, urban and rural renewal, settlement upgrading, and environmental protection measures and enhancement strategies
4. Organize major infrastructure and utilities network for adequate servicing based on future urban, rurban, and rural development projections and trends based on green city development pillars, strategies, and guidelines
5. Develop priority conceptual green and climate resilience development projects to stimulate green economic development and sustainable urbanization
6. Build the capacity of staff who manage and monitor the implementation of the DLUP
The assignment is part of the GCF readiness and preparator support project delivered by GGGI for Rwanda GCF NDA – REMA in collaboration with National Land Authority (NLA).
For further details on the Scope of Work, please refer to the Terms of Reference available under the published Document Set.
The tender submission deadline is 19 February 2025, 16:00 pm KST (Korean Standard Time) / 9:00 am CAT.
Note: If any bidder has any request for clarification on the TOR or any part of the tender documents, GGGI will be happy to clarify if the request is received on or before 7 days before the deadline (namely: if the tender submission deadline is 16:00 15 April KST, then the due date for submission of request for clarification is 16:00 8 April KST).
Interested parties will be required to register their details on the GGGI e-Green Procurement Portal (
Documents can be accessed via the e-Green Procurement Portal by selecting ‘View Details’ on the relevant notice and then clicking the ‘Tender Application’ button. If you are a new supplier, you will be required to register your details. If you have an existing account, you will need to login to the portal. Please refer to the guidance documents under the `Supplier Guidance` area of the portal for further information.
Once in the Tender Management Area for the tender, there are five possible tabs: ‘Tender’, `Tender Documents`, ‘Correspondence’, ‘Clarifications’ and ‘History’. Select the 2nd tab (`Tender Documents`) where you will find useful information regarding the RFP. Scroll down to the heading ‘Tender Documents Received’ where you will be able to view / download the documents.
Please note that you may be required to ‘Opt In’ before you can start populating your response. The ‘Opt Out’ functionality will also be available throughout the duration of the tender process. Opting out will give you the option of declaring you no longer want to receive any further communication in relation to this tender along with the opportunity of providing comments and feedback for this decision. You can choose to ‘Opt In’ at any time during the tender process if you initially decided to ‘Opt Out’.
Please note that you may be required to ‘Opt In’ to be able to submit a response through the portal. Tenderers will be required to upload any mandatory Placeholders (i.e. specified documents) within the `Tender Documents` tab. The ability to attach additional documents may also be available. Your proposal will not be submitted until you click `Submit Return`, located towards the bottom of the screen. On clicking `Submit Return`, you will receive a receipt confirming that your proposal has been submitted to GGGI.
Please read Instructions on How to submit the Proposal.
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