Global Green Growth Institute (HQ)

Wastewater Technical Assistance: Technical design, Environmental assessment, Procurement and Supervision and Commissioning of Works in Pakse and Kaysone Phomvihane, Lao PDR

Last update: Jan 17, 2025 Last update: Jan 17, 2025


Application deadline: Feb 27, 2025
Category:Consulting services
Sectors:Pollution & Waste Management (incl. treatment), Civil Engineering
Contracting authority type:Development Institution
Date posted: Jan 17, 2025


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Date documents can be requested until : 27 February 2025 16:00
Title : Wastewater Technical Assistance: Technical design, Environmental assessment, Procurement and Supervision and Commissioning of Works in Pakse and Kaysone Phomvihane, Lao PDR
Procurement No. : 100011982
Process : RFP
Description : GGGI Lao PDR Country Office is inviting eligible firms/entities to submit their proposals for the following scope of work:

GGGI with funding from Korea International Cooperation Agency (KOICA) has been implementing Phase I of the Wastewater and Solid Waste Treatment Capacity Building for City Environment Improvement in Lao PDR project during 2019-2024. This project assisted the Government of Lao in translating high-level commitment to sustainable urban development into actionable plans and on-ground infrastructure. The project has supported Lao PDR’s transition towards the development of green cities by improving public health and sanitation, increasing access to waste management services and wastewater treatment, and creating green jobs. The five-year project worth $6.5 million has implemented three outcomes namely: (Outcome one) Improved capacity of Ministry of Public Works and Transport, Vientiane Capital and Pakse authorities to effectively manage green city development; (Outcome two) Improved access to waste collection services and waste-to-resource opportunities in Vientiane; and (Outcome three) Improved access to sanitation services and enhanced environmental conditions through wastewater treatment and management.

The successful implementation of Phase I and the strong impact achieved in transitioning Lao PDR towards a green growth pathway, encouraged the GoL to seek further cooperation and extension of the partnership with Republic of Korea (RoK). Consequently, the Ministry of Planning and Investment (MPI) requested for a renewal and scale up of the project into Phase II. The second phase broadly doubles the ambition and outcomes targeted under Phase I. To this end, the project value has been scaled up to $10.5 million. The project duration remains five years and will deliver the following three outcomes:
Outcome 1: Strengthening the capacity of the Lao government in establishing enhanced green city plans and attracting green city investments
Outcome 2: Improving the capacity of local governments in decentralized waste management and waste disposal and collection services
Outcome 3: Capacity of local governments in wastewater treatment and wastewater treatment services enhanced

The Outcome 3 aims to provide sanitation services to 28,000 people, through the:
- construction and operationalization of DEWATS, two in Kaysone and two in Pakse.
- supply of desludging two trucks, one for Pakse and one for Kaysone.
- rehabilitation of the fecal sludge treatment plant in Kaysone.
compliance with environmental and social safeguards requirements.
This assignment is under Outcome 3 which is delivered in two cities, Pakse and Kaysone Phomvihane.

GGGI is seeking a consulting firm (hereinafter referred to as ‘Consultant’) for this assignment to provide technical assistance to the GGGI project team in delivering the infrastructure outputs under outcome 3 as listed above. Activities shall include the following:
- Conduct surveys in target areas in Kaysone and Pakse to collect the necessary data needed as input in the design of the DEWATS and estimate the number of people to be served for each site.
- Conduct evaluation of the potential for each site proposed to host a DEWATS and recommend on the two sites in each city that fit best the project goal.
- Conduct sampling and laboratory testing of physical, chemical and biological characteristics of wastewater and fecal sludge generated by households and services such as restaurants, foods factories, schools, etc. in the different service areas.
- Identify the ownership land and ensure the issuance of a fully and duly approved land certificate for each confirmed site.
- Conduct the preliminary design of DEWATS in each city and for the rehabilitation of the FSTP in Kaysone. Support the review and validation process of recommended sites and technical solutions in each city.
- Conduct an Initial environmental examination (IEE) and prepare Environmental and social management and monitoring plans (ESMMP) for the project in each city and support the review and approval process.
- Conduct the detailed engineering design of the DEWATS for the approved sites in each city and the FSTP in Kaysone, and support the approval process.
- Draft the technical specification for the tender documents, to select the constructor(s) to build the DEWATS and the supplier(s) of the desludging trucks; and provide support on the technical evaluation of bids, as necessary.
- Support the procurement process through preparation of the technical specification, identification of potential bidders and technical evaluation of bids for construction.
- Supply, commission and handover of two desludging trucks for the cities of Pakse and Kaysone.
- Ensure the supervision of constructions and quality control of delivered goods, works and services, in collaboration with the PIUs in each city.
- Provide logistic support to the GGGI project team with a 4x4 car and a professional driver to facilitate its local displacements in target cities.
- Develop operation and maintenance plans for infrastructures and equipment in each city.
- Ensure the training of operators of the DEWATS, Trucks and FSTP in each city.
- Ensure all field inspections, factory acceptance tests, fields acceptance tests, as relevant.
- Support the commissioning and handover of DEWATS and trucks to each beneficiary Provincial DPWT.

For further details on the Scope of Work, please refer to the Terms of Reference available under the published Document Set.

The tender submission deadline is 27 February 2025, 16:00 pm KST (Korean Standard Time) / 14:00 pm Lao Time (GMT+07).
If any bidder has any request for clarification on the TOR or any part of the tender documents, GGGI will be happy to clarify if they are received on or before 7 days before the deadline (namely: if the tender submission deadline is 16:00 15 April KST, then the due date for submission of request for clarification is 16:00 8 April KST).

Interested parties will be required to register their details on the GGGI e-Green Procurement Portal (

Documents can be accessed via the e-Green Procurement Portal by selecting ‘View Details’ on the relevant notice and then clicking the ‘Tender Application’ button. If you are a new supplier, you will be required to register your details. If you have an existing account, you will need to login to the portal. Please refer to the guidance documents under the `Supplier Guidance` area of the portal for further information.

Once in the Tender Management Area for the tender, there are five possible tabs: ‘Tender’, `Tender Documents`, ‘Correspondence’, ‘Clarifications’ and ‘History’. Select the 2nd tab (`Tender Documents`) where you will find useful information regarding the RFP. Scroll down to the heading ‘Tender Documents Received’ where you will be able to view / download the documents.

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Please note that you may be required to ‘Opt In’ to be able to submit a response through the portal. Tenderers will be required to upload any mandatory Placeholders (i.e. specified documents) within the `Tender Documents` tab. The ability to attach additional documents may also be available. Your proposal will not be submitted until you click `Submit Return`, located towards the bottom of the screen. On clicking `Submit Return`, you will receive a receipt confirming that your proposal has been submitted to GGGI.
Please read Instructions on How to submit the Proposal.

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