European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (HQ)

Nador Westmed - Contract Implementation and Management Support services

Last update: Sep 21, 2016 Last update: Sep 21, 2016


Category:Consulting services
Sectors:Civil Engineering, Water Navigation & Ports & Shipping
Contracting authority: Nador West Med S.A.
Contracting authority type:Engineering firm
Budget: EUR 400,000
Date posted: Oct 22, 2015

Attachments 1

Associated Awards

Project cycle timeline



Country: Morocco
Business sector: Transport
Project number: 4737
Funding source: EBRD Shareholder Special Fund
Contract type: Consultancy Services
Notice type: Invitation for expressions of interest (CSU)
Issue date: 20 Oct 2015
Closing date: 17 Nov 2015   at  23:59   Nador

Executing Agency:
Société Nador Westmed

The Client Contact Person:

Mohamed Jamal Benjelloun
Director General
20, Angle Avenue Mohammed VI et Rue D.
Mabella, Rabat, Casablanca

The EBRD Contact Person:

Julie Michel
European Bank for Reconstruction and Development
One Exchange Square
London EC2A 2JN
Tel: + 44 20 7338 7556

 Project Description:

The European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (“EBRD”, the “Bank”) is considering extending a loan to the Société Nador West Med (“SNWM”, the “Client”) for the construction of a new port in the vicinity of the town of Nador (the “Project”). The Bank’s loan will be used to finance basic infrastructure (breakwater, quays, dredging etc.) for a new port 30km from the town of Nador on Morocco’s Mediterranean coast. The port will include two container transhipment terminals, a hydrocarbon storage and transhipment terminal, a bulk terminal handling grain, minerals and coal, and will have the potential to handle other cargo types. The port project is a part of a wider development approach, which aims to have a significant regional development impact in the Orientale region of Morocco by attracting foreign investment.’

Assignment Description:

The Client intends to engage a consultant (the “Consultant”) to assist the Project Implementation Unit (“PIU”) with delivery of the Project (the “Assignment”).  The overall objective of the Assignment will be to assist the Client during the implementation of Project related contracts, provide advisory services to assist the PIU in meeting the works schedule, assess any requests of change(s) variation orders and providing other technical input/advice as needed.

The expected outcome of the Assignment is to ensure that the goods and works contracts financed via the EBRD’s loan are handed over on time and budget.

The shortlisted Consultant is expected to provide the following services:

    Assistance to SNWM in the management and administration of the works and supervision engineer contracts;
    Assistance in overall technical and financial management and administration of the contracts during implementation;
    Monitoring progress of Project implementation based on the Project implementation plan. Promptly convey information to the PIU about any and every significant alteration, reasons of that alteration and its impact on Project completion, and, present proposals for remedy actions;
    Monitoring of Project costs against the budget. Promptly convey information to the PIU about any and every significant alteration and give proposals for remedy actions.
    Assessing the Contractor’s applications for change orders and providing a recommendation as to whether these should be accepted or not; reviewing the supervision engineer’s determinations in this respect;
    Consideration of additional applications from the contractor to subcontract parts of the works;
    Production and submission of all scheduled reports regarding Project progress and similar that are required by the EBRD;
    Advising the PIU on all matters related to the execution of the contracts, including settlement of contractors' claims that may be submitted within 12 months of substantial completion of the Project;
    Assisting the PIU in preparing disbursement requests for drawdowns of loan funds;
    Assisting the PIU with the preparation of regular reports to the Bank pursuant to the relevant financing documents.

Status of Selection Process: Interested firms or group of firms are hereby invited to submit an expression of interest (“Expression of Interest”).

Assignment Start Date and Duration: The Assignment is expected to commence in Q1 2016 and has an estimated overall duration of twenty-four (24) months.

Cost Estimate for the Assignment: EUR 400,000 (exclusive of VAT).

The Consultant must determine whether any indirect taxes/VAT are chargeable on the proposed services and state the basis for such. If any indirect taxes/VAT are payable, the Client will have to pay indirect taxes/VAT element to the services directly to the Consultant unless otherwise agreed.

Funding Source: It is anticipated that the contract will be financed by the EBRD Shareholder Special Fund. Please note selection and contracting will be subject to the availability of funding.

Eligibility: There are no eligibility restrictions.

Consultant Profile:

Corporate services are required. The Consultant will be a firm, or a group of firms, possessing previous project experience in:

    Delivering assignments focused on supporting the management and administration of goods and services contracts for investment projects financed by international financial institutions (IFI’S) or equivalent; and
    In delivering assignments in the Port sector.

Since knowledge of local legislation will be required, international consulting firms are encouraged to associate with, or to subcontract to, local companies or individuals with the relevant expertise.

Proposed teams must contain core team members that should preferably have the following skills:

    Experience in managing and administration of contracts linked to projects of similar size and complexity;
    International technical experience in marine infrastructure (design, construction, auditing);
    Relevant expertise in cost management for projects of similar size and complexity;
    Relevant experience in advising on legal issues related to construction contracts;
    Ability to communicate effectively in French (the reporting to the EBRD will be delivered in English);
    Proven ability to write and produce concise reports;
    Excellent communications skills;
    Proven project management skills; scheduling; prioritisation of time and resources; team organisational skills; and
    Regional experience is preferable.

The Consultant’s team is expected to include the following Key Experts:

    Project Manager;
    Contracts Specialist;
    Finance Expert; and
    Legal Expert.

Submission Requirements: In order to determine the capability and experience of Consultants seeking to be to be shortlisted, the information submitted should include the following:

    Company/group of firms’ profile, organisation and staffing (max/. 2-4 pages)
    Details of previous project experience or similar assignments particularly undertaken in the previous five years, including information on contract value, contracting entity/client, project location/country, duration (mm/yy to mm/yy), expert months provided (if different from duration), main activities, objectives.
    CVs of Key Experts who could carry out the Assignment detailing qualifications, experience in similar assignments, particularly assignments undertaken in the previous five years, including information on contracting entity/client, project location/country, duration (mm/yy to mm/yy), expert months provided, assignment budget, main activities, objectives.
    Completed Consultant Declaration and Contact Sheet, the template for which is available from the following web-link:

The Expression of Interest shall not exceed 20 pages (excluding CVs and Consultant Declaration and Contact Sheet).

The complete Expression of Interest (including CVs, Consultant Declaration and Contact Sheet) should be submitted, in English and French via email (pdf) titled “EXPRESSION OF INTEREST for MOROCCO: Nador Westmed – Contract Implementation and Management Support” to the Client’s contact person (, to reach the Client not later than the closing date. One additional soft copy shall reach the Bank’s contact person ( by the same due date. The expression of interest shall be one file (pdf). The Client reserves the right to reject applications of firms submitting more than one file. Only if any limitation on the permissible file size is exceeded, the Consultant may split the expression of interest into further files.

Important Notes:

1. Following this invitation for expressions of interest, a shortlist of qualified firms will be formally invited to submit proposals. Consultant selection and contracting will be subject to availability of funding.

2.  The shortlist criteria are as follows:

    Firm’s previous experience in delivering assignments focused on supporting the management and administration of goods and services contracts for investment projects financed by international financial institutions (IFI’S) or equivalent – 25%
    Firm’s experience in delivering assignments in the Port sector - 25%
    CVs of Key Experts – 25%
    Ability of the proposed team of Key Experts to communicate in French – 25%

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