Description: The objective of the consultancy is to assist the Danish Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Department for European Neighbourhood (EUN) with monitoring of the implementation of the "Good Governance and Human Rights Programme in Ukraine, 2015-2019". The programme encompasses three development engagements - i) Criminal Justice Reform, ii) Anti-Corruption and iii) Human Rights and is implemented by Council of Europe and UNDP. The programme started in September 2015, the inception phase was terminated in March 2016 and the programme is now under implementation.
The assignment as Monitoring and Reporting Consultant will primarily consist of the following tasks: Perusal of progress reports received biannually from Council of Europe and UNDP; compilation of an annual programme report; conduction of an annual monitoring visit to Ukraine (mainly Kyiv but also to the regions); and dialogue with EUN and implementing partners in Ukraine.
The maximum contract budget including all travel is DKK 500,000. The assignment will run from August 2016 until July 2019 and will comprise a total of approximately 500 man hours.
Deadline for Proposals: June 22, 2016 at 12:00 (noon), Danish time
Contact the Programme Officer at the contact point below to receive the Request for Proposal. Applications not using the standard form may be rejected. Proposals received after the deadline shall be rejected.
Contact point: Department for European Neighbourhood
Name of Programme Officer: Karin Nielsen
E-mail address of Programme Officer:
Telephone of Programme Officer: +45 3392 1838
Criteria for award of Contract: As stated in the Request for Proposal