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Agriculture and Rural Development Project (KARDP): Development of an Irrigation Master Plan and Investment Framework for Kosovo

Last update: Oct 15, 2019 Last update: Oct 15, 2019


Category:Consulting services
Funding Agency:
Contracting authority type:Government / Public Sector
Date posted: May 1, 2018

Attachments 1

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Project cycle timeline



Project ID: P112526
Borrower/Bid No: KARP-CS-6 (i)
Request for Expression of Interest


Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Rural Development in Kosovo

Project Title: Agriculture and Rural Development Project (KARDP)

IDA, Credit No 5005 XK 

Assignment Title: Development of an Irrigation Master Plan and Investment Framework for Kosovo 

Reference No .: KARP-CS-6 (i) 


The Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Rural Development (MAFRD) is seeking a service provider (the Consultant) to develop an Irrigation master Plan and Investment Framework for Kosovo that will assess the baseline and challenges in the irrigation sector, and recommend investment measures for support in the short, medium and long-term to improve irrigation service for agriculture needs and water control. The study will be financed by the loan to MAFRD from the World Bank through the Agriculture and Rural Development Project (ARDP).  

Objective of the Assignment

The objective of the consultancy is to develop an irrigation master plan and investment framework to support investments in irrigation, based on:

a)  A diagnosis of current irrigation and an assessment of irrigation potential, disaggregated by basin and irrigation typology;

b)  An analysis of the national and regional markets to which the produce would be supplied, and identification of the potential comparative advantage of Kosovo irrigated agriculture;

c)  Critical priorities for improving the irrigation sector, of legal, regulatory, administrative and policy nature; and an assessment of the impacts on disadvantaged groups such as female  and youth farmers

d)  An analysis of the institutional arrangements to facilitate local water user/farmer/irrigator associations, and/or company-based service delivery, to carry out operational, maintenance and cost recovery tasks;

e)  A prioritization framework for measures, from the perspective of agricultural productivity and water resources management; and economic development and employment opportunities

f)   A time-bound investment framework with financing plan

g)  Feasibility studies and measures for immediate pipeline program.

Scope of Work

Stage I: Strategic Direction Setting

This task shall upfront aim to determine the strategic objectives for the irrigation sector in Kosovo. The consultant shall facilitate stakeholder centered decision on the objective, principles and strategy for the development of both private and public irrigation in Kosovo as the sub-sector evolves in response to domestic and regional demand for agricultural products.

It shall do so through an analysis of the key strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats for the irrigated agriculture sector in Kosovo and thus propose the key strategic principles and priorities upon which the masterplan will be built.  

Stage II: Situation Analysis

Stage II.A Review of the current strategies, plans, designs, institutional performance and public expenditure:

This stage may be implemented as part of stage I or may be seen as a more in-depth diagnostic review.

Stage II.B: Knowledge base (Physical baseline and identification of irrigation potential)

The consultant shall develop the knowledge base that shall be practical in outlining opportunities and constraints on irrigation potential; determine indicative investment levels for a well prioritized irrigation development plan; make appropriate strategic recommendations on irrigation potential; and conduct stakeholder consultations on irrigation potential.

Stage III: Investment planning framework development

Stage III.A: Reconfirmation of strategic objectives and priorities of the masterplan

Based on the review of irrigation potential under stage II, the consultant shall re-assess the strategic objectives, and now operationalize them into a planning framework. The consultant will determine synergies/linkages amongst different strategic objectives from other sectors. The consultant will present the findings of Stage II along with the proposed investment priority setting based on: 

(i)    The duration of the investment plan (short, medium and long term);

(ii)   Scenarios for economic growth (low, medium and high);

(iii) relevant stakeholders (public, private, and civil society); and

(iv) Institutional development of water user/ farmer/irrigator associations, and/or company-based service delivery systems, incl. training, extensions services and proposed improvements in thenational regulatory framework, and measures to ensure institutions and services are socially inclusive

Stage III.B: Develop framework to assess and prioritize investment 

The investment framework shall be prepared for different business linesby considering the following:

(i)    Geophysical feasibility.

(ii)   Specific value chains and market potential.

(iii) Economic viability.

(iv) Financial viability.

(v)   Environmental acceptability.

(vi) Stakeholder support.

(vii)  Land tenure systems.

Stage III.C Irrigation Investment Opportunities/Projects

Using the framework for assessment and prioritization, overlaid on the potential as determined under III.B, the consultant shall develop an inventory of prioritized investment opportunities taking into account the diversified approach to irrigation (as per the derived typology and diversified strategic objectives and prioritization in previous steps.

Stage III.D: Prefeasibility Studies for short term priority projects

Based on the assessment above the consultant will advancethat are highest priority to the pre-feasibility level – the number of these projects and hectares to be covered will be determined in consultation with the Client.

For physical development projects, this shall include technical assessments and drawings, conceptual designs, cost estimates as well as a description of possible impacts, ecofin analysis; and ToRs for detailed design. It is expected that this will address all viable area under the current irrigation companies' management, and a minimum of 15,000 hectares of potential newly serviced areas.

Stage IV:Draft Action Plan

The Action Plan shall include the recommended projects, and shall also involve developing the following additional items: 

  • Strategies to capitalize on opportunities
  • Funding plan
  • Institutional and capacity development and suggestions for legislative and institutional reform
  • Monitoring and Evaluation
  • Terms of Reference for subsequent Consultancy assessments.


Activities will be completed within twelve (12) months after contract signature, during this period the following material will be delivered:



Months after start of assignment

Strategic Objectives Report (Stage I);


Sector context and performance diagnostic report (Stage II);


Web-based Inventory and Database of irrigation potential (Stage II);


Project Potential and Appraisal Methodology Report (Stage II);


Proposed Master Plan/Investment Framework Report (Stage III);


Draft Action Plan (Stage IV);


Final Action Plan (Stage IV); and


Final Completion Report.


The Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Rural Development now invites eligible consulting firms ("Consultants") to indicate their interest in providing the Services. 

Interested Consultants should provide information demonstrating that they have the required qualifications and relevant experience to perform the Services. 

The consultant will be chosen based upon:

-    Demonstrated experience with implementation of similar projects, in the last seven years with special focus in Irrigation;

-    Availability of qualified key staff within the firm;

-    References from previous assignments;

The attention of interested Consultants is drawn to paragraph 1.9 of the World Bank's Guidelines: Selection and Employment of Consultants [under IBRD Loans and IDA Credits & Grants] by World Bank Borrowers dated January 2011 ("Consultant Guidelines"), setting forth the World Bank's policy on conflict of interest. 

Consultants may associate with other firms in the form of a joint venture or a sub consultancy to enhance their qualifications. 

A Consultant will be selected in accordance with the Quality and Cost Based Selection (QCBS) method set out in the above mentioned Consultant Guidelines, and following the above mentioned evaluation criteria. 

Further information can be obtained at the address below during office hours i.e. 08:00 to 16:00 hours. 

Expressions of interest must be delivered in a written form to the address below (in person, or by mail, or by e-mail) by Wednesday 16 May 2018. 

Agriculture and Rural Development Project (KARDP)

Project Implementation Unit – PIU

Attn: Reita Koci, Procurement Specialist

Mother Theresa Road Nr. 61 3/6,

10 000 Pristina, Kosovo


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