Foreign, Commonwealth & Development Office (HQ)

8392: Technical Assistance for Support to General Education Quality Improvement Programme for Equity

Last update: Sep 19, 2019 Last update: Sep 19, 2019


Category:Consulting services
Contracting authority type:Development Institution
Budget: GBP 29,250,000
Date posted: May 4, 2018

Attachments 7

Associated Awards

Project cycle timeline



Contract Ref: 8392
Title: Technical Assistance for Support to General Education Quality Improvement Programme for Equity


The UK will support the Government of Ethiopia's four-year General Education Quality Improvement Programme for Equity (GEQIP-E) in improving the quality of education children and young people receive using a results-based approach to drive performance. Technical expertise will transform school leadership and teacher performance, especially in poorly performing regions and schools, producing better skilled school leavers, and enabling disadvantaged girls and children from poorer communities to thrive. DFID is seeking a Technical Service Provider to provide technical assistance to the Federal Ministry of Education (FMoH) and its key directorates, agencies, regional education bureaus, woredas, districts and schools. The technical assistance is strategically linked to deepening the impact of the financial aid and the intended results to be delivered by GEQIP-E. The Technical Service Provider(s) is expected to work with the FMoE and all 11 regional education bureaus and targeted woredas, schools, school principals and teachers on improved education delivery and school leadership and its impact on quality, equity and accountability in schools. In addition they will work with research institutions, directorates, assessment centres to improve data collection, monitoring and evaluation and demand-led research. Collaboration with key technical partners such as World Bank, USAID, UNICEF and Finland will be necessary and some flexibility in targets and delivery based on need will be required.

Extension Terms
Response Required By: Tue 13 November 2018 at 14:00
Nature of Contract: Contract
Contract Start Date: Wed 29 May 2019
Contract End Date
Contract Duration (months): 40

 For further information please contact:
Contact: Fiona Crawford (Procurement )
Phone: 843 3877
Address: Abercrombie HouseEaglesham Road, , , , G75 8EA
Contract Ref 8294
Title Technical Assistance for Support to General Education Quality Improvement Programme for Equity
The UK will support the Government of Ethiopia's four-year General Education Quality Improvement Programme for Equity (GEQIP-E) in improving the quality of education children and young people receive using a results-based approach to drive performance. Technical expertise will transform school leadership and teacher performance, especially in poorly performing regions and schools, producing better skilled school leavers, and enabling disadvantaged girls and children from poorer communities to thrive. DFID is seeking a Technical Service Provider to provide technical assistance to the Federal Ministry of Education (FMoH) and its key directorates, agencies, regional education bureaus, woredas, districts and schools. The technical assistance is strategically linked to deepening the impact of the financial aid and the intended results to be delivered by GEQIP-E. The Technical Service Provider(s) is expected to work with the FMoE and all 11 regional education bureaus and targeted woredas, schools, school principals and teachers on improved education delivery and school leadership and its impact on quality, equity and accountability in schools. In addition they will work with research institutions, directorates, assessment centres to improve data collection, monitoring and evaluation and demand-led research. Collaboration with key technical partners such as World Bank, USAID, UNICEF and Finland will be necessary and some flexibility in targets and delivery based on need will be required.
Extension Terms
Response Required By: Thu 05 July 2018 at 14:00
Nature of Contract: Contract
Contract Start Date: Wed 19 December 2018
Contract End Date:  
Contract Duration (months): 48
For further information please contact:
Contact: Fiona Crawford (Procurement )
Phone: 843 3877
Address: Abercrombie HouseEaglesham Road, , , , G75 8EA
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