European Commission Directorate-General for International Partnerships (EuropeAid HQ)

Preparatory Actions for the Green Deal Data Space

Last update: Mar 30, 2023 Last update: 30 Mar, 2023


Budget:EUR 2,000,000
Award ceiling:N/A
Award floor:N/A
Sector:Environment & NRM, Information & Communication Technology
Eligible applicants:Unrestricted / Unspecified
Eligible nationalities:Anguilla, Aruba, Austria, Azores ... See moreAnguilla, Aruba, Austria, Azores, Belgium, Bermuda, British Virgin Islands, Bulgaria, Canary Islands, Caribbean Netherlands, Cayman Islands, Croatia, Cyprus, Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia, Falkland Islands, Faroe Islands, Finland, France, French Polynesia, French Southern Territory, Germany, Greece, Greenland, Hungary, Iceland, Ireland, Italy, Latvia, Liechtenstein, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Malta, Montserrat, Netherlands, New Caledonia, Norway, Pitcairn, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Saint Helena, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, St. Pierre and Miquelon, Sweden, Turks and Caicos, Wallis and Futuna
Date posted:17 Nov, 2021

Attachments 1


Call Updates
Jun 20, 2022 5:19:47 PM

The evaluation results  of topic DIGITAL-2021-CLOUD-AI-01-PREP-DS-GREEN-DEAL are shown below:

  • Number of proposals submitted: 3
  • Number of inadmissible proposals: 0
  • Number of ineligible proposals: 0
  • Number of above-threshold proposals: 1

Total budget requested for above-threshold proposals: 1.989.736,69 EUR

Jun 20, 2022 5:19:47 PM


Call for proposals: Cloud Data and TEF

Call ID: DIGITAL-2021-CLOUD-AI-01 

Published: 17/11/2021   Deadline: 22/02/2022

 Total budget: 140.000.000 EUR

Budget per topic: 


The Commission has now completed the evaluation of the proposals submitted to the above-mentioned call. The results by topic can be consulted under topic updates. 

We recently informed the applicants about the evaluation results for their proposals.

It is expected that grant agreements will be signed by 22.11.2022.

Please note that the number of proposals that can finally be funded will depend on the finally available budget and the formal selection by the Commission.

Fo For further details please see the DIGITAL Europe Programme.

Mar 4, 2022 10:07:28 AM
A total of 23 proposals were submitted under this call. Below the breakdown of number of proposals submitted per topic:
Nov 17, 2021 12:00:13 AM
The submission session is now available for: DIGITAL-2021-CLOUD-AI-01-PREP-DS-GREEN-DEAL(DIGITAL-CSA)

Preparatory actions for the Green Deal Data Space


Digital Europe Programme (DIGITAL)
Cloud Data and TEF (DIGITAL-2021-CLOUD-AI-01)

Type of action
DIGITAL-CSA DIGITAL Coordination and Support Actions
Type of MGA
DIGITAL Action Grant Budget-Based [DIGITAL-AG]

Deadline model
Opening date
17 November 2021
Deadline date
22 February 2022 17:00:00 Brussels time
Topic description
Expected Outcome:

Outcomes and deliverables

  • A sustainable data governance scheme as well as a blueprint that connects existing national, regional and local data ecosystems and enables public and private stakeholders to access relevant data; and to develop cross-sector data services.
  • A priority list of datasets relevant to the European Green Deal Strategy;
  • A roadmap towards the common European Green Deal data space

The Green Deal data space will interconnect[1] currently fragmented and dispersed data from various ecosystems[2], both for/from the private and public sectors. It will offer an interoperable, trusted IT environment, for data processing, and a set of rules of legislative, administrative and contractual nature that determine the rights of access to and processing of the data. The data space will also establish links with activities in other EU programmes such as Horizon Europe (in particular those funded under Cluster 4 “Digital, Industry and Space”, Cluster 5 “Climate, energy and Mobility”, Cluster 6 “Food, Bioeconomy, Natural Resources, Agriculture and Environment” and the relevant Missions) and the space programmes (e.g. Galileo and Copernicus) providing massive amounts of data including in real time. In order to coordinate among the various initiatives contributing to the Green Deal objectives, the project will propose a roadmap for the deployment of a full-fledged common European Green Deal data space and liaise with potential users and other relevant actors to ensure synergies between users and infrastructures..

The Green Deal data space will be set up in synergy with the various relevant initiatives implementing the Green Deal Goals. In particular, in the context of this Work Programme, synergies will target:

  • Relevant high quality data is expected to derive from the activities related to High Value Datasets[3] in the framework of the Public sector Open data for AI and Open Data Platform (see topic
  • Data from other sectoral data spaces where relevant.
  • The topics implementing Destination Earth initiative (see section 5.1.1). It will also contribute through the development of a very high precision digital model of the Earth to enable visualising, monitoring and forecasting natural and human activity on the planet in support of sustainable development.
  • To complement the work during the first two years, a Coordination and Support Action on Digital Product Passport (see topic 5.1.3) will prepare the ground for a future common European data space for smart circular applications.

The funding will enable the establishment of a data governance mechanism, with a detailed roadmap on how the data space should progressively develop into a pan-European Green Deal data space, by connecting EU programmes, national, regional and local data ecosystems at the EU level.

The roadmap should describe how to integrate the various activities contributing to the common European Green Deal data space in line with existing policy priorities and existing initiatives, enabling all relevant actors to access and re-use data needed for their purposes in compliance with the dataspace governance scheme. To this end, the roadmap should ensure that relevant users such as climate and environmental scientists are able to access and exploit the opportunities offered by Green Deal Data Space. Action to address potential barriers to such use cases should be identified in advance.

The action will have to work in partnership with the Data Spaces Support Centre (see topic in order to ensure alignment with the European Data Spaces Technical Framework and the rest of the ecosystem of data spaces in section 2.2.1 thereof. The joint work will target the definition of:

  • the data space reference architecture, building blocks and common toolboxes to be used;
  • the common standards, including semantic standards and interoperability protocols, both domain-specific and crosscutting;
  • The data governance models, business models and strategies for running data spaces.

The action should also establish links to relevant initiatives under the Green Deal to ensure a user-driven development of the data space, in particular those (e.g. Horizon Europe activities such as the Green Deal Missions) that will provide significant opportunities to test, experiment and up-scale the input to and use of the data space with local partners.

[1]Data sets may include e.g. High Value Datasets (e.g. from the Environmental, Meteorological and Geospatial thematic areas), Earth Observation data (e.g. Copernicus), Member States and participating EEA EFTA states / Associated countries’ INSPIRE platforms, satellite images, IoT/sensor data, sensitive public data, private data with public interest as well as citizens’ data (in line with GDPR).

[2]e.g. the European Marine Observation and Data Network (EMODnet) platform in the maritime domain, the EGDI – The European Geological Data Infrastructure, Copernicus programme and its DIAS (data and information access services).

[3]E.g. from the Environmental, Meteorological and Geospatial thematic areas

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