DevelopmentAid and the General Inspectorate of Carabineers agree on cooperation for development

By Sergiu Ipatii

DevelopmentAid and the General Inspectorate of Carabineers agree on cooperation for development

DevelopmentAid is proud to announce a new partnership and cooperation agreement for development with an important state body from the Republic of Moldova.

As of October 30, the General Inspectorate of Carabineers, one of the most important law enforcement agencies of the South-European developing country, will benefit from the Procurement & Partnership business intelligence package offered as a pro-bono contribution by DevelopmentAid.

“This cooperation opens a window of opportunity for the governmental body. The agency will be able to access the ultimate database of funding and development opportunities that is offered by DevelopmentAid” stated Luc Vocks, CEO and founder of DevelopmentAid.

Stefan Pavlov, General Commander of the General Inspectorate of Carabineers, and Luc Vocks, CEO and Founder of DevelopmentAid

Access to the DevelopmentAid database and software will allow the law enforcement agency to improve its procurement practices and transparency.

During the meeting, the parties also discussed the modern technologies involved in institutional capacity building with DevelopmentAid sharing its experience in this field.

DevelopmentAid is the leading business intelligence provider for international organizations, NGOs, and other players in the international development sector delivering its services to over 1500 members worldwide.