2023 Japan Symposium: New Era, New Opportunities

By Milken Institute

2023 Japan Symposium: New Era, New Opportunities

πŸ“… 22–23 March 2023
Tokyo, Japan

The Japan Symposium returns to Tokyo, convening top executives and thought leaders to provide ideas, perspectives, and direction to capitalize on the potential of this new era.

A transformed world makes for exciting opportunities. The program agenda is designed around unlocking more of the deep pools of investment capital in Japan and around the world and on fostering alliances between East and West that can accelerate innovations in cutting-edge technology, business strategies, global value chains, and financial markets.

For the second Japan Symposium participants engage with a wide community of influential business executives, investors, entrepreneurs, and government officials. Together, the world can vitalize the momentum to enhance competitiveness, strategic partnerships, health and well-being, and ESG and sustainability efforts that lead to better outcomes for humanity.

Regional focus

This event brings together leading figures in finance, business, and government from around the world for a solution-oriented convening.

Global leaders and decision-makers

Participants include CEOs of global financial institutions and multinational corporations, institution investors, high-level policymakers, and government officials.

Exclusive and intimate

Limited to senior-level participants, the event is designed to maximize candid discussion and foster productive partnerships. Participants will gain first-hand insights from influential thought leaders with diverse perspectives.

Solving global challenges

The program addresses the most significant trends impacting Japan and the wider Asia-Pacific region, including access to capital, demographic, aging, jobs and human capital, and geopolitical tensions.
