DevelopmentAid welcomes new partnership with Iceland’s government

By Sam Ursu

DevelopmentAid welcomes new partnership with Iceland’s government

DevelopmentAid is proud to welcome the government-run Business Iceland as a new partner. As part of the company’s long-standing commitment to increased global prosperity and well-being, the new partnership with Business Iceland will expand the opportunities for small and medium-sized companies (SMEs) in Iceland with one year of unlimited, free access to our world-class platform, including:

  • Research tools for evaluating competitors and forming partnerships
  • A wealth of historical data on both shortlists and awards for past projects
  • Business opportunities across the globe (tenders)
  • Funding opportunities (grants)
  • Matchmaking tools for forming partnerships and building consortia for joint ventures
  • Business intelligence of donor and funding agencies
  • Information on sanctioned firms

This new cooperation agreement with Iceland was crafted specifically to work with the government policies such as Iceland 2020 and the New Economic Activity Plan (EAP) to create a robust and innovative business community for local enterprises in the country.

The partnership agreement between DevelopmentAid and the government of Iceland was specifically designed to give small and medium-sized local companies in Iceland free, unlimited access to funding sources worldwide as well as the tools to identify and take advantage of business opportunities. DevelopmentAid’s world-class platform allows Icelandic SMEs to compete on an equal basis with international firms in forming partnerships and joining consortia for the implementation of both international and domestic projects.

Make the best of this excellent opportunity!

If you are part of an Iceland SME and want to learn how your company can benefit from this historic new partnership with DevelopmentAid, or if you have further questions about how this agreement can benefit you, please feel free to contact us.