UN General Assembly Sustainability Week

By United Nations

UN General Assembly Sustainability Week

📅 15 – 19 April 2024
New York ,USA

As the world passes the critical milestone of the mid-point in the implementation of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development, impactful transformation remains central to the ongoing efforts to advance all three dimensions of sustainable development – social, economic, and environmental – to achieve peace, prosperity, progress, and sustainability for all.

Among others, COVID-19, conflicts, geopolitical tensions, and humanitarian crises in various parts of the world have posed severe challenges to these efforts and derailed the implementation of the SDGs by 2030. Building on the momentum gained from the September 2023 SDG Summit is important in effectively tackling the triple planetary crises of climate change, biodiversity loss, and pollution.

Now, as the wold sets the attention on the Summit of the Future in September 2024, sustainability is more than ever key for critical sectors of the economy to meaningfully contribute to a prosperous future for present and future generations. The foundation of the future of commerce must be marked by environmental responsibility. The world must promote sustainable production and consumption in every facet of human existence. Economic prosperity is intertwined with sustainability. Sustainable business models must, therefore, be promoted in all economic activities.

Sustainability also means ensuring that the benefits of progress are shared equitably, leaving no one behind. The debt crisis – a development crisis – has further exacerbated the socio-economic disparities in the world. Therefore, addressing debt sustainability as an avenue to improve socio-economic equality should be central to the focus on building a sustainable future. Sustainable transportation, infrastructure, tourism, and energy as well as debt sustainability are all critical avenues to attaining such a future.
