Republic of Korea helps keep humanitarian flights in the skies

By World Food Programme

Republic of Korea helps keep humanitarian flights in the skies

The United Nations World Food Programme welcomed a $6 million funding allocation from the Republic of Korea for 2023-2025, which will help sustain humanitarian flights in five countries as humanitarian needs continue to worsen.

“The United Nations Humanitarian Air Service (UNHAS) is a lifeline for some of the world’s most vulnerable people,” said Franklyn Frimpong, WFP’s Chief of Aviation. “Partnerships with donors like Korea ensure that the service can continue to bridge the gap between despair and hope.”

This generous funding from the Republic of Korea will enable UNHAS to provide passenger flights for the humanitarian community in Guinea, Nigeria, Cameroon, Sudan, and Chad, enabling aid workers to reach remote communities in urgent need of assistance.

UNHAS provides the humanitarian community with safe, reliable, cost-effective, and efficient transportation of passengers and light cargo to and from crisis and intervention areas. It is the only humanitarian air service that provides equal access to all humanitarian agencies.