European Commission Directorate-General for International Partnerships (EuropeAid HQ)

IntersectVoices in Europe - Combating Discrimination Against Roma Women

Last update: May 16, 2022 Last update: May 16, 2022


Locations:Finland, Italy, Romania
Start Date:May 1, 2020
End Date:Apr 30, 2022
Contract value:EUR 308,700
Sectors:Gender, Human Rights, Social DevelopmentGender, Human Rights, Social Development
Date posted:May 16, 2022

Associated funding

Associated experts


Programme(s): Rights, Equality and Citizenship Programme-REC Programme 2014-2020

Topic(s): REC-RDIS-DISC-AG-2019

Type of action: REC Action Grant

Funded under: Rights, Equality and Citizenship Programme

Project ID: 881985

Objective: The specific objective of the project is to fight against multiple discrimination and to contribute to the enforcement and effective implementation of Union law and policy. The objective is broken in to four parts: - to understand the specificity of intersectional discrimination by researching the experiences on discrimination among Roma women - to activate alliances to combat multiple discrimination in local, national and EU level - to empower activists and legal professionals with tools and methods to assist victims in reporting cases of multiple discrimination and to advocate for the implementation of the principle of intersectionality; - to formulate policy recommendations of the inclusion of intersectionality in the anti-discrimination strategies and legislation at the national and EU level. The project will provide a better understanding of multiple discrimination by documenting the experiences of Roma women, and the relevant legal provisions and jurisprudence on the topic at the EU level and in selected EU states. The national stakeholders will be consulted and policy recommendations formulated. A training manual will be developed and NGO and legal professionals trained to help potential victims to voice their experience and interests, to assist them in reporting incidents of discrimination, and to advocate for policy change. NGOs will be encouraged through coalition building. The project will raise awareness among the public and will empower Roma women to identify and report incidents of multiple discrimination. The overall impact of the project will be the implementation of the principle of intersectionality in public policies and legal provisions on combating discrimination and an improved access to justice for victims with an intersectional background. Ultimately, the project leads to an increase in the mutual understanding and acceptance of people with an intersectional background, including Roma women.

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