European Commission Directorate-General for International Partnerships (EuropeAid HQ)

Reviewing and Evaluating the Monitoring and Assessment of Maritime Spatial Planning: ReMAP

Last update: Dec 27, 2022 Last update: Dec 27, 2022


Locations:Finland, France, Italy, Spain
Start Date:Nov 1, 2022
End Date:Oct 31, 2025
Sectors:Information & Communication Technology, Water Navi ... See moreInformation & Communication Technology, Water Navigation & Ports & Shipping
Date posted:Dec 27, 2022

Associated funding

Associated experts


Programme(s): European Maritime, Fisheries and Aquaculture Fund (EMFAF)-undefined

Topic(s): EMFAF-2021-PIA-MSP

Type of action: EMFAF Project Grants

Project ID: 101081304

Objective: This project proposal is focused in setting-up strategies and approaches to review maritime spatial plans (MSP), and in particular grounded on the interest for the development of data tools, models and reuse of operational data infrastructures, allowing interoperability and enabling Member States (MS) to share MSP data and assessment information. The main objective is to provide EU MS with ReMAP innovative technical framework for the support of the European MSP process. The ReMAP technical framework is mainly aimed at the review, assessment performance and improvement of the adopted plans. ReMAP consortium and proposed framework build on the efforts of the Technical Expert Group (TEG) on MSP data and EMODnet to harmonize EU MSP layer and propose innovative approach of modular analytics. These modular analytics include (10+1) simplified analytical modules and related (web) tools considering environmental, economic, social, governance and safety aspects. This approach decreases the complexity of the assessments and, at the same time, increases the probability to be reused by wide MSP community. ReMAP framework will be developed and tested by the consortium on the local level (Galicia, Spain) and on two cross-border use cases: the Western Mediterranean sub-basin, where it will be applied with Spanish, French and Italian MSP (distributed approach); and for the Baltic basin applied by just one partner (centralised approach). Stakeholder participation will be incorporated in the analytics’ development as co-development and technology uptake processes. Thus, the usability, credibility, legitimacy, and relevance of the project outputs will be ensured. The transfer of the gained evidence to policy and practice progress will be a key element of the ReMAP proposal, as a means to contribute to the best innovative response of EU MS to their common challenges in the monitoring and/or revision of their maritime spatial plans, contributing to implementation of MSP Directive.

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