Workshop on use of advanced technologies for family agriculture

By United Nations Conference on Trade and Development

Workshop on use of advanced technologies for family agriculture

📅 30 January – 03 February 2023
Petrolina, Brazil

The workshop on “Use of Advanced Technologies for Family Agriculture” (Recife, 30 January to 3 February 2023) is co-organized by the United Nations Conference on Trade and Development (UNCTAD), and the Serviço Nacional de Aprendizagem Industrial – Pernambuco Regional Department (SENAI/PE), in Brazil, and hosted by SENAI/PE.

The workshop focuses on the technology assessment and the management and use of advanced technologies in precision agriculture and showcases the example of its use in family agriculture in rural areas of the semi-arid region in the North-East of Brazil.

The objective of the workshop is to build the capacity of government officials and experts on the use of frontier technologies for agriculture, particularly in family agriculture.

The workshop offers a mix of lectures, seminars, computer lab practices, and field visits. The lectures and seminars will focus on family agriculture, remote sensing, drones, use of satellite and drone data for precision family agriculture. They will be delivered by a staff of the SENAI/PE and invited scholars. The participants will visit farms of family agriculture and discuss the application of frontier technologies for agriculture with rural communities.